Chapter 19

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When I wake up, I look horrible. I hurry and get ready for the day, before anyone can see me. I don't want anyone to know I was crying. If anyone knew I was crying, they'd want to know why, and then I'd cry again.

I go downstairs and don't see anyone else up. I grab some food and sit down to eat. Just as I finish, Jay walks in. He says, "Hey."

"Hey," I say, quietly.

"What's wrong?"



"Hey. Can I ask you something?"


Now he's sitting down next to me. I say, "Are you dating anyone else?"

Jay now looks shoked and panicked. He says, "Why?"

"Oh. Just because I got a weird text from you last night."

Jay's panicked face stays. He says, "What do you mean?"

"It just said you keep thinking about someone," I say. "And you were worrying about Lily."

Jay looks at me. I say, with tears forming, "I don't think we should we should stay together if you're going to see other girls. I'm sorry."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Jay asks. He honestly sounds upset.

"I am," I say through my tears. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about? I'm the one who should be sorry."

Why does he have to be so sweet? Geez. I give him a smile and he says, "Will we at least stay friends?"

"Definitely," I say, giving a little smile.

I don't know if I should say we'll stay friends. Too late now, I guess. I leave the dining room without a sound. I go back up to my room and think, and cry. Why didn't he try to talk me put of that? Do you know what? I'm going to have to get over him. And soon. There's only one problem, I don't know how. Maybe Skylar will. I doubt Val will. She hasn't been in this situation before, I don't think.

I wipe away the rest of my tears and walk to Skylar's room. I knock once and wait. She answers in a few seconds. When she sees my face she pulls me into her room. "What's wrong?!" she exclaims. "Tell me everything!!"

"Me and Jay broke up," I start, then the tears come.

"I'm confused. Who broke up with who?"

"I broke up with him."

"Shouldn't you be the complete opposite of this then?"

"I guess."

"Then why are you upset?"

"I don't know if it was the right thing for me to do."

"Then- Do you know what? Let's start from the beginning. Why did you consider breaking up with him?"

"He's cheating on me."

Skylar looks shoked. Then she nervously says, "With who?"

"Lily," I say saddly.

"Head cheerleader, Lily? Cutest girl in school, Lily? Perfect Lily?"


"What a jerk!"

"Yeah. I guess."

"So now I see why your upset."

"Yeah. But I truly came to ask you how I can get over him. And fast."

"Well, I find the best way is to first clear your head. I find walks in the park helpful."

"Okay. I'll go try that. Thanks."


I leave her room and go down to the park. I start walking. I'm not looking where I'm going. I honestly wasn't thinking about anything.

Then, I feel myself fall. It's too fast for me to react, so I expect to fall and land on my face. Instead, someone catches me. I look up to see who. I've never seen him before. He says, "You better watch where you're going."

I smile and ask, "May I have my hero's name?"

"I'm Sean. And you are?"


"That's pretty."


I feel myself start to blush. Sean smiles at me. God. He has an amazing smile. And his eyes. He's perfect. Sean interrupts my thoughts when he says, "Does my danzel in distress have a number?"

I laugh quietly, then respond using the voice of a princess, "But of course."

We both laugh and exchange numbers. "It was really nice meeting you, Sean," I say.

"It was nice saving you from falling a couple of feet," Sean says smiling.

I smile back. I walk away, blushing. I'm glad I'm over Jay. I think about Sean my whole way back to the hotel.

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