Chapter 5

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Me and Jay just arrived at Prom. I just have to he looks handsome!! His bow tie matches my dress. It's adorable! We meet up with Skylar, Jace, Val, and Tyler. Val got asked to Prom yesturday at lunch. It was actually really romantic. He made her a special note that had a Lily attached. You may think, "Oh, wow. A note and flower. What's so romantic about that?" It was a really romantic note. It was a poem. I have to admit, I was kind of jealous. Anyways, not talking about Val and Tyler. Let's focus on Prom.

Me and Jay dance forever. I never want the night to end! "I'll go grab us some punch," Jay yells over the music

"Okay. Thanks!" I yell back.

He walks away and Skylar walks up to me. She smiles and I already know what she's going to say. "So. How are you two?!" She asks.

"We're fine," I say. "How about you and Jace?"

"We're perfect! I wouldn't change a thing about us!"


"I leave you alone. Hope you have fun with him!"

"Bye. I'll catch up with you later."


She walks away and I go to find Jay. "Hey. Having trouble with the punch?" I joke.

"No," he says. "I saw you and Skylar talking and I didn't want to interrupt."

Aww! Isn't he sweet?! We drink our punch and go dance some more. Towards the end, there's a slow song. Me and Jay dance to it. I see Sky and Jace dancing to the song, too. Val isn't really into the whole romantic thing. It doesn't matter though. What matters is right now. I never want this night to end.

At the end of the song, I see Daniel. He's not alone though. He's with another girl! I can't believe I said no, and he doesn't hesitate to find another girl! Now I'm positive I made the right choice. It doesn't matter. I can't let that ruin my night.

Near the end of Prom, we get to hear who gets to be Prom King and Queen. "Okay everyone!" One of the students says. "We're now going to announce the King and Queen of this year's Prom."

Everyone claps. "And the King is," the student says. "Jay!"

Everyone claps and congratulates him. I kiss his cheek. "And the Queen is," she says. "Kay!!"

Everyone around me hollars and claps. I blush a little. I walk up to get my crown. I really didn't expect that to happen! "The final dance of the night goes to the King and Queen," she says.

Jay and I walk to the center of the dance floor. He puts his hands on my hips and I put my hands around his neck. After a few seconds, I rest my head on him. I've always wanted this to happen. It's everything I hoped it would be.

After Prom ends, Jay takes me home. "Thanks for taking me," I say when we're at my door.

"No," he says. "Thank you."

I lean in and kiss him.

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