Chapter 27

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We order a salad and a small sausage pizza. We eat and laugh. I think this is fun. I think anytime I'm with him is fun. After we eat, we continue to talk. I would say we sat and talked for about twenty minutes before we decide to leave.

I walk home alone. I honestly didn't want to walk with Jay. I feel like we're hanging out too much lately. Shocking. When I get home, I notice I got a text from Jay. From just after I left. He continued to text me until I answered. Impatient much? I answer him back and he answers again almost insintly. We text for a while, then I lie and say I have to go. We say our goodbyes and I think. I wish he wasn't so impatient. I decide to go for a walk, but not by the park, just in case.

I walk toward the center of town by the movie theater and museums. I look down for about a minute and run into someone. I look up to see a smiling face. Of a guy. Just my luck. "I'm sorry," I say.

"It's all good," he says. I give him a smile and he says, "You have a really pretty smile."

"Thanks," I say. I can feel myself blushing.

"Do you like movies?"


"You want to join my for watching one then?"


"Great." Now he's the one smiling weirdly. I think it's cute. I know I shouldn't be thinking other guys are cute in the middle of a relationship, but I can't help it. "I never caught your name," I say.

"I'm Jake," he says. "And you are?"


"That's really unique."

"Why thank you."

"Welcome." We watch the movie and walk some more. I think we're going to be really good friends. We walk to the nearest cafe and get some coffee. "I want to know more about you," I say.

"And I want to know more about you," Jake says.

"What's your favorite sport?"

"Hockey. To watch and play."

"Mines probably volleyball, but I love watching hockey."

"What's your favorite hobby?"

"Writing or sleeping."

"I enjoy sleeping too."

"Favorite color?"


"Purple." We talk until it's around seven. That's the longest I've talked in a while. We exchange numbers and we leave. The more I think about it, I don't think I'd date Jake. I think we'd be too good of friends.

This might sound a little mean, but I enjoy hanging out with Jake more then Jay. I just can't tell Jay that. He'd freak out.

I text Jake around nine until eleven. We decided to hang out again tomorrow. I really hope Jay doesn't ask to hang out with me tomorrow. I wouldn't want to let down my boyfriend to hang out with my new best friend.

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