Chapter 35

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I throw on some skinny jeans, a flower tank top, and my nice flats. Yes. I can wear some cute things while at the park. You never know when you might need to look cute. I'm just prepared for the worst. Anyway,  I leave, shut the door, then lock it. Then I start walking toward the park. As soon as I get there, I see Jake sitting at a bench. He's looking down at the ground. He seems off. Upset. Nervous. But why? I didn't do anything did I?

I walk slowly towards Jake. I touch his shoulder which sends shivers down his spine. I could see it. Jake looked up at me and smiled. I smile back. I look into his eyes and see a glint of sadness. Something was definitely off with him. But what? I couldn't help myself from asking him, "Is something wrong? Did I do something?"

Jake shakes his head. He never takes his eyes away from my eyes. Sadness is now the main part of his eyes. He gives me a sincere smile then says, "Of course not. You're too perfect."

I couldn't help but blush at what he had just said. It was almost made me forget what I had originally asked him. But I quickly snapped back into reality. My smile got a little smaller. "What's wrong then?" I ask. I'm starting to worry about him.

"Nothing," he replies. His smiles in a sad manner. I didn't have to be a genius to know that he was lying to me.

I stare straight into his eyes. "Don't lie to me," I say. "I can tell that there's something bothering you. Tell me." I grab his hand and hold it. "You can trust me."

Jake lets out a sigh of defeat. "You really know how to make me happy," Jake says, holding my hand back. "Something's going to change. And I don't want it to effect us. Make you upset. But I don't want to tell you. It'll mke you upset. I want you happy. When you're happy, I'm happy." Jake gives me such a genuine smile. I can't help, but smile back.

"Okay," I simply say. We sit in silence for awhile. I don't want to say it was an awkward silence, but it wasn't comfortable. It was just a silence. Jake finally breaks the silence by saying, "You look really pretty today."

I smile at him and say thanks. Then there's another silence. "I think I should probably go," I say after five minutes of complete silence. Jake looks at me and he seems a little upset with what I had  said.

Feeling bad, I quickly I add, "You can walk me home if you want." His smile lights up. I smile back. "Let's go," I say.

Jake gets up and we start walking. After two minutes, I feel something warm and soft in my hand. Its Jake's hand holding mine. I smile on the inside. I hold his hand back. Jake looks at me and smiles. I can't help but blush.

We walk to my house in silence. We might exchange a few words now and then, but that's about it. But don't get me wrong, I used this as an advantage. It gave me time to think about what Jake could have been doing.

Jake and I finally arrive at my house. He says good night to me and gives me a peck on my cheek. I can feel myself blush. I go inside and fall onto the nearest couch or chair. I smile uncontrollably into the pillow. This has been a really nice day. And I can't thank anyone for other then the one, and only, Jake Cooper.

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