Chapter 20

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Sean and I are going out on our first date today!! I can't wait!! Sky and Val are helping me get ready. I honestly hope I look good enough to get Jay to notice. Maybe almost good enough to get him jealous.

I don't want him jealous enough to want me back, but jealous enough. I want him to see he cheated on an amazing girl, who can be ten times more perfect then Lily. I can safely say I'm completely over Jay now. Now I'm focused on Sean.

For our date, he's going to take me around the city. It's going to be a amazing! I'm planning on wearing skinny jeans, a medium length sleeve, black and gray shirt, a knitted hat, a scarf, and my combat boots. Val likes the outfit idea.

Sean's coming over around five to pick me up. That gives me about two and a half hours. That's plenty of time.

After two hours, Sean arrives. Sky and Val introduced themselves, but Jay wasn't around for some reason. It doesn't matter, though. Tonight isn't about Jay being her. It's about Sean and I. We leave after everyone is introduced.

The first place he takes me is to a shopping spot. It has a bunch of stores with bathing suits, a surfboard shop, restaurants, book stores, and so much more. Next he takes me to a really bright street. It's lit up by stores, street lights, cars, a museum of history from the Bahamas. Sean tells me they call it Vegas Street because of all the lights. I laugh a little. He reaches for my hand, but I grab his first. His hand is warm and stern. I like it.

One of the last places we go is a resturant Sean likes. I didn't expect him to take me out for dinner. We get seated and I get a stare into his deep brown eyes and smile. He smiles back. We talk and laugh all through dinner. I blush a couple of times, too.

After dinner, he takes me to a huge beach. We sit together to watch the sunset. Today's might have been the best day of my life so far. I'm really glad I met Sean. And I just realized I haven't though about Jay all night.

When's they're isn't any sun left Sean says, "We better get you back."

"Yeah," I say.

Sean takes me to the train and we head back. When we're at the door, Sean says, "Thanks for an amazing night."

"No," I say. "Thank you."

Sean smiles. Just before he leaves, he kisses my cheek. I can feel myself blush. I go inside and slide down against the door. That was definitely the best day so far.

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