Chapter 3

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The last time I talked to Jay was the day he won the game. That was over a month ago. Now it's only one week before Prom! I can't wait!!!! I really hope Daniel asks me. We've been hanging out a lot lately.

"Hey Kay," Val says.

"Hey," I say back.

"How are you two?" Skylar says.

"I'm fine," Val says.

"That's good," Skylar starts. "Guess what!"

"What?!" I ask excitedly.

"Jace asked me to Prom!!" Skylar says, jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh!" Val says.

"That's amazing!!!" I say.

"I know!" Skylar says with a huge smile.

"So. How'd he ask?!" Val says.

"He asked me last night while we were at the park," Skylar says. "He gave me flowers and on the card it said 'Will you go to Prom with me?' I blushed, kissed him, and I said yes."

"Aww!!" Me and Val say.

We talk some more about Prom, then head to class. During Math, I get a note. It's from Jay. It says, "Please forgive me for not talking to you. I was just jealous of you and Daniel. If you forgive me, answer this question. Prom?" Aww! I look up at him and smile. I write back, "I have to think." I can't say yes. I want to go with Daniel. I also can't say no. It would break his heart.

After lunch, I head to Art. During Art, Daniel makes me a painting. It's a picture of a white lily, which is my favorite flower, and it says, "Will you go to prom with me?" Oh my gosh! That's so sweet!

Now I have a problem. Who do I go to Prom with? Jay, my best friend? Or Daniel, my crush? I can't decide right now. I have to decide some time though. I'll talk to Val and Skylar about this.

After school, I invite them both to my house. Skylar shows up first. "Hey," I say.

"Hi," She says.

"What's up?"

"I have a problem."

"What is it?!"

"I can't tell you until Val gets here."


Just then, Val comes in. "Hello," Val says.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi," Skylar says.

"Okay. I need your help!" I exclaim.

"Let's hear it," Val says.

"Jay asked me to Prom," I say.

"That's great!" Skylar says.

"But," I say.

"But what?" Val says.

"Daniel asked me to Prom, too," I say.

"Oh," Val says.

"What are you going to do?" Skylar says.

"I don't know. That's why I called you," I say.

We talk about the pro's and con's about them both taking me to Prom. By the end I finally decide!

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