Chapter 13

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I can't believe I was just about to apologize to Jay. Why would he do this? I mean, that's low. Even for him. I was still in the bathroom, crying. I wanted to go home, but I knew I wouldn't have been able to. Mrs. O'Connor would have never let me go. No matter how much a pleaded. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to suck it up for the rest of the day. Thinking about that made me cry even more. God.

I take a deep breath and try to wipe away all of the tears. I take one last look at myself in the mirror, wipe away the rest of the tears. I have to go back to class. I have no choice, I think. I get the strength to walk to class. I walk into class and don't see Jay with Rose. I have my stuff and sit next to Skylar. She wispers, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I say trying to put on a smile.

"You don't seem okay," Sky says.

"I am. Don't worry."


I'm silent for the rest of homeroom. Jay doesn't seem to know that I'm there. That's good. When I go to my next class, Jay runs up to me. I walk ahead, but he follows. "What do you want?" I ask angrily.

"What's wrong?" Jay asks, clueless.

"What's wrong?! You hurt me. That's what's wrong!" Now I was yelling. I don't care. "What?" Jay asks. What?! God.

"I saw you and Rose in homeroom," I say, walking away.

This time he doesn't follow. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I wipe it away.

I cry the whole the time walking home. I can't believe Jay. What a jerk. We didn't talk for the next week or so. That broke my heart. Sure I was mad, but I still care about him. He is, or should I say was, my bestfriend. When I get home I listen to depressing songs. Weirdly enough, it helps me feel better. Don't ask me why, though. I check my phone and see I got a text from Jay. I don't want to check, but I have to. It says he wants me to meet him at the park. After what he did to me? As if. I mean, I guess I have to go. I don't want to be rude. I change into my shorts and flip flops. I grab my sunglasses and phone, then leave.

The park isn't a long walk at all, so I show up in about 5 minutes. I don't see Jay anywhere. I just sit on a bench and wait. He finally texts me to tell me he's by the largest Oak tree. Where, oh where could it be? I've been in this park tons of times, but I've never really focused on the heights of trees.

I try to get a high view to try to find which tree is the tallest. I find it and walk over. I see Jay sitting on a picnic blanket with a picnic basket. I'm confused. "What's all this?" I ask with a little laugh.

"I wanted to say I was sorry," Jay said.

"For what?"

"Earlier. It wasn't what it looked like."


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