Chapter 33

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I can't believe how long I sat there. Under the big tree. At the park. Crying my eyes out. I don't get why I thought Jake would come. I'm such an idiot. I'm still bawling away even though it's been at least fifteen minutes. And he still hasn't come. I decide it's pointless to just sit here and cry. So I get up and start to pack up the picnic.

I stop when I hear a voice yelling at me. Jake. Is he really here? I turn around and see him running towards me. I can't decide if I'm mad or overly excited. My head starts filling with all sorts of questions. Questions like Did he mean to come this late? Was he sorry  for being so late?  Was he doing something that he won't end up telling me about? Do I look okay? Does he think I look underdressed next to him? All I'm really sure is that I'm so happy he's here. I must be smiling like crazy.

I smile politely and manage to say, simply, "You look nice today." I had to remember not to say anything stupid. Jake just simply replied with a thank you. Before I knew what I was doing, I blurted out, "Why were you so late?"

I instantly covered my mouth and regretted what I had asked. Jake's face kind of went pale. What was he doing before he came? Jake just simply gave me a small smile and said, "I just fell asleep and lost track of time. I'm really sorry."

I was quite sure as to if I believed him or not. I was leaning a bit more towards the no side. But I didn't let the fact that I didn't trust what he had said. I just smiled again and said, "Okay."

Then there was an awkward silence. Then I said, "Sorry."

Jake smiled and said, "It's fine."


"So. Why did you ask me to come here?"

"Well," I say, looking down to the picnic I had put back into the basket. "I was going to have a picnic with you. But then I didn't know if you were going to come, so I put it all back into the basket."

Jake gave me his cute little smirk and said, "We shouldn't just waste all of that food. So let's set up the picnic again."

I smile at him and start to unpack everything. We finally finished and we sat down. "So," Jake says. There has to be some sort of reason as to why you would do all of this." 

"Well there was," I say. I almost completely forgot about me telling him. Woops. "I wanted to tell you something." I give him a small smile.

"Which is?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I would be more then happy to be your girlfriend." I smiled at him again. I feel like I'll always remember the way  his face just lit up. It made me smile even more.

"Really?" Jake asked astonished by what I had just said. I nodded a little and he just sat there smiling like a dork. I sat closer to him and he put his arm around me. I think this is going to be one of those days that you remember for the rest of your life.

We sat there. Under the huge tree where we met. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Staring at the beautiful flowers in front of us. We weren't worrying about anything for those few minutes. It was perfect.

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