Chapter 29

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Would it be mean of me to say that I don't want Jay to find out about Jake? I would tell Jay all about Jake, but I don't want Jay getting jealous or anything. I care too much about Jay to hurt him by telling him about my new best friend. Hopefully Jay won't find out about Jake for a while.

I feel like that is mean of me to say. Is it? Is it mean of me to say? I feel like it is. In my defense, the only reason I don't want to tell him is because I don't want Jay to get hurt. That's a pretty good reason, right?

Maybe I'll just tell him. So later it won't hurt him. I think. God. I suck at making decisions. Oh well. I'll just tell him. I don't think he'll be that mad. Even if he is, he has no right. I'm just letting him down to hang out with my friend. To me, personally, friends are more important then any relationship. I keep telling that while I text Jay telling him how I'm going to hang out with Jake instead of him.

Honestly, it kind of helped me stay calm. I'm just really scared of what he'll say. He texted back real fast. It kind of scared me how fast. It scared me even more to check it. But I checked. I have to admit I regret it. Jay was mad, furious even. Apparently hanging out with friends, especially guy friends, is the worst thing ever to him. Whatever. I text him and telling him I don't care what he says. I just thought I should tell him that we won't be able to hang out today.

It's not like he can tell me who I can and can't hang out with. Now I'm mad. I get dressed and text Jake telling him I can hang out today. He had asked me earlier this morning and I had told him I didn't know. I don't know where we'll be hanging out though. Luckily, Jake texts back quickly and tells me we'll go for lunch, then we'll go from there. I text back that that's fine, but don't know where we should meet. I smirk at what he says. He said he has that covered.

Next thing I know, I hear a knock on my door. I walk down and open the door. I shake my head slightly when I see Jake. I say, laughing, "How long did it take you to get here?"

He gives me a cute smirk and says, "Since I ran, it took about seven minutes." "You ran?" I ask amused. "And kept track of the time it took?"

Jake nodded and I laughed. "Now that takes a pot talent," I joke. He laughs and we leave.

Jake takes me to Olive Garden and it's amazing. We stay after we eat to talk. "That was amazing," I say. "Yeah," Jake says. I grab the check. Right before I can check it, Jake takes it. I give him him a questioning look. "It's on me," Jake says.

"No," I start. Jake smiles and says, "Yes. A pretty girl like you doesn't deserve to pay." Is he flirting with me? Doesn't he know I have a boyfriend? Oh yeah. I never told him about Jay. Shoot.

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