Chapter 16

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There's only a few more weeks left until summer. I can't wait for summer! The last few weeks are always fun. There are assemblies during class, no class days, half days, and so much more. I always love the last few weeks. I absolutely love summer, though. No school or drama. It's awesome.

I barely make it through the rest of the school year. Luckily there's no more school. Today's the first day of summer vacation and I have nothing planned. Most people are going on vacation, but I'm not one of those people. I'm one of those people that does nothing all summer, unless it's something last minute. I'm hoping something last minute happens.

I grab my phone and get dressed for the day. I eat breakfast, then my phone rings. I answer and it's my mom. Weird. "Hello?" I say.

"Hi, sweetie," she says.

"What's up?"

"Well, me and your father have talked a lot lately."

"About what?"

"Well, we think we should have you go on a vacation this summer. And you can bring your friends."

"Really?! Where would we go?"

"We thought you could decide that. We'll send you two way tickets. How many friends would you bring?"

"Well, I've got 3 friends and me."

"Okay. You should tell your friends and decide where you will go."

"Okay. Thanks!"

"Your welcome. Bye."


I do a little happy dance then text all my friends the good news. They all text back instantly. We decide to meet at the park to talk about where to go. I grab my stuff and run to the park. I see Jay and I walk up to him. "Hey," I say.

"Hey," he says.

We find Sky and Val. Then, we talk about where to go. "I think Hawaii," Sky says.

"What about Nashville?" Val says.

"Good idea, but what about Paris?" I ask.

"Too girly," Jay says. "Sorry, but I think the Bahamas would be nice."

"Huh," I say. "I never thought about that."

"That sounds good," Sky says.

"Good job, Jay," Val says.

"I should go tell my mom that we decided," I say.

"Okay," Jay says.

I smile and walk off. I call my mom and tell her what we decided. She says that's good and she'll send the tickets later. That means we can leave pretty soon. Yeah!

I walk back and tell everyone the good news. They all seem happy about it. We talk some more about it, then leave. I go home, so I can see if I'll need to buy anything for the vacation. I go through my closet and see I could use some new shirts and tank tops. Next I go through my dresser. I could use a new bathing suit and shorts. I go through my flip flops and none fit right. Guess I need to buy new everything. I go through the rest of my room to make sure I have my extra stuff like chargers and suit cases.

I have to make sure I have everything I need. I also have to thing about how long we'd stay. We could stay all summer if we wanted. That would mean I would have to buy a lot more stuff. I hope everyone else is going through their stuff. Maybe we can all go shopping tomorrow.

I text Sky, Val, and Jay to tell them to go through their stuff to make sure they have enough stuff. Then I tell them how we should go shopping for new stuff tomorrow. They all agree. This is turning out to be a really great day.

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