Chapter 34

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Life is great. I'm happy. The world is happy. Everything is perfect. Nothing could possibly go wrong. Let me just catch you up on my fabulous life real fast. Yesterday, I became Jake's girlfriend. We sat under the tree where we met. We had a picnic. Everything was just perfect. I'm fully aware that I'm probably overusing the word perfect, but I can't help it. I'm just so happy!

I sit on my bed staring at the ceiling, smiling like an idiot. I just can't help it.

My happiness is going to last forever, at least that's what I'm thinking at the moment. Then I remember something that makes me loose some of my happiness. What was Jake doing before he came to the park yesterday? Was he really sleeping before? Or was he lying? I'm so confused. I believe him, but there's some small part of me that thinks he could be lying. I know for a fact that if I ask him what he was doing, he'll tell me the same thing as yesterday. But the part of me that thinks he's lying is taking over. Before I know what I'm doing, I'm texting him. I ask him if he was really sleeping before he came to the park yesterday. He responds rather quickly. He said, "You know me so well."

What the heck could that mean? God I'm so slow with these types of things. I send him a question mark. He doesn't reply as fast. But he definitely saw it. Why won't he answer?

I probably sit on my bed just staring at my phone for about twenty minutes straight. He finally answers me. I saw answered loosely. More like just sent me two things: ";)" I have to admit that I'm really mad at him right now. Like he really sends me that instead of a real explanation? The nerve. I decide  to just call him. He answers on the fourth ring. "This is your loving boyfriend talking. How may I help you?" is how he answers.

I giggle a little then I remember why I called. "Hey. So, listen."

"Let me spare you the time of asking. Cause I already know what you're going to say. And no. I was not really sleeping before I came to the picnic."

"Then why would you tell me that?"

"I knew that you asking me to come would either go two ways. Good or bad. Since it was good, I didn't want to ruin it. So I said I was sleeping."

"Awe. Wait-"

"I have to go."

"Don't you dare hang up."

"Kay. Listen," The way he said my name made me know something was wrong, but he didn't want me budding in. "I have to go. I'll call you later."

Next thing I know, the line goes dead. If he seriously thinks I'm just going to give up on the whole him-lying-to-me thing, he was dearly mistaken. But there was always that one part of me that has to get in the way and find the good side of things. And there it was. Right on cue. It was telling I shouldn't worry. We were together after all. I was still sitting on my bed, but now I was confused.

I end up getting it out of my head by eating. Then I'm interrupted by hearing the door bell. I put down my food and walk over to see who it is. It's Sky and Val. I have to admit, I was pretty shocked to see them. "He-" is all I manage to get out before I'm cut off.

"How could you not tell us?" Sky asks.

"Wha-" I'm once again interrupted.

"Yeah. I thought we'd be the first to know!" Val complains.

"What are you two talking about?" I ask, finally getting a chance to talk.

"You and Jake," They both say in unison.

"How do you guys know about that?" I ask kind of nervous. Don't get me wrong, I would have so told them, but it was late and I was tired. That and it kind of never came to mind. But now I'm scared to hear how they know about me and Jake being a couple. I mean as far as I know, only me and Jake know about us. Obviously. I didn't tell anyone. I'm sure Jake didn't. I hope.

"We say Jake walking around town last night and he was smiling like an idiot, "Skylar explains. "We knew something was obviously up. So we asked him what was up then he simply said 'Kay and I are now dating.'"

"What?" I ask in disbelief. "May I just ask why you didn't just come last night?

"We didn't want to come just incase you decided to call or text or something. But it never came so we decide we would come today. So, you missy, have a lot of explaining to do."

"Did you ever think I was maybe sleeping after I got home? People actually need to sleep sometimes."

Skylar and Val exchange glances, which instantly told me they never once considered it. Unbelievable. Oh well. "Can't we talk some other time?" I ask. "I need to eat." I hold up the half eaten sandwich I was eating before they came.

They give me long dramatic sighs and leave. I go back to eating. I only get two bites of my sandwich before I feel my phone vibrate. It's a text from Jake. He wants me to meet him at the park.

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