Chapter 12

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I sit in my bed for about twenty minutes a day. I sit there thinking about Jay. I wish he knew how I feel. That would make my life a lot easier. I wish I could go up to him and just say, "I made a huge mistake, breaking up with you. Please give me another chance." I wish I had the guts to talk to him.

I've been tried everything to try to focus on something besides Jay. Nothing works, though. I can only think about Jay. I don't know why. I broke up with him. Shouldn't I be over him? Don't girls only feel bad for a day or two, not a week? I wish I knew someone that went through the same thing as me right now. Sadly, I don't know anyone that went through this. I mean Sky and Jace never broke.

On Monday, I walked to school by myself. I don't want to face anyone, until I know something about why I miss Jay. I get to school and I nust be invisible, because no one even looks at me. Did they all hear about me breaking up with Jay? If they did, who told them? I didn't tell anyone except for Sky and Val. They wouldn't have told anyone.

"What's up with them?" I ask Sky when I see her.

"They found out," Val says.

"About?" I ask nervously.

"You and Jay," Sky says.

"How?" I ask nervously.

"I haven't found that off," Skylar says, "yet."

"Oh God," I say to myself.

"It's going to be okay," Val says.

"We'll help," Skylar says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Trust us," Val says.

"Okay," I say. "I just have one question, do you think I should go back with Jay?"

There was a long silence before Sky says, "I think so, but it's your call."

"No," Val protests. "You broke up with him. You chose to leave him."

"Ugh," I say.

"I think we should give you your privacy," Skylar says. "Talk to you later."

"Bye," I say.

They leave and I think. I think about Jay, and life, and my mistake, and how unfair life is, and how I have the best friends ever. I think about everything until I fall asleep.

When I wake up, I get ready for school. I feel good. Today, I'm going to talk to Jay. I'm going to apologize and hopefully get him back. I take a deep breath and head for school. I walk by myself again, but I don't care. I reach school and can't find Jay anywhere. I do find Sky and Val, though. They look nervous. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Do you trust us?" Val asks.

"Of course," I say.

"Then don't go to homeroom," Sky says. "Atleast, not now."

"Why?" I ask nervously.

"Just don't," Val says.

"Okay," I say slowly.

What are they trying to hide from me? Should I go into homeroom? I'm so confused. I want to go into homeroom now. I can't help, but go in. I stop dead short at the door. I feel like my heart just got ripped out. Jay is with Rose, kissing her. I feel my eyes start to water and I run out. I dropped my stuff on the ground by my locker and run straight for the bathroom.

How could he be with her? If he truly knew me, he'd know that I can't stand her. That's probably why he's with Rose. He wants me to be upset. I can't believe it.

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