Chapter 3 - Mind Your Business

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"I cannot believe I am in Hell right now." Donghyuck spoke up, the group strolling through the halls of the castle. The two mortals were absolutely captivated by every detail, something Renjun didn't have the ability to do during his first few visits to the underworld. Every time he had been, he had been on edge, head down, and scared for his life. He felt like he was living vicariously through the two excited mortals.

Jaemin was just as much in shock as the other, mouth agape as he stared around. The dim candle light inside the halls made everything look even more magnificent, yet somehow spooky. Jaemin swore it looked to be out of a movie. The halls were quiet besides the group traveling through each of the floors, peeking into rooms even Renjun had never been into. It was fascinating.

Jeno stayed to the back of the group, slowly strolling watching the friend group, when he heard the sound of footsteps. When he turned back, he saw the back of a familiar head. He was at the end of the hall, walking hurriedly away from the group. Jeno's eyebrows furrowed, confusion on what he was doing, and where he was coming from. The only rooms in this specific hall were for special guests.

"I'll be back, don't get lost." Jeno spoke up, smiling reassuringly when all three boys turn to see him. He didn't wait a second to turn and run to the darkest end of the hall, following where the black hair man had gone.

The three boys let out sounds of annoyance for a moment, but Jeno was too focused to listen. He rounded the corner into another similarly dark hall. Portraits lined the walls, blood red carpet under his feet as he jogged to find the man. He paused at each intersection of halls, desperately searching. When he came to the next dead end, he saw him.

"Mark!" The dark haired Mark immediately stopped in his tracks, turning and looking down to Jeno stood a few feet down the hall.

"Can I help you?" The prideful sin cocked an eyebrow at the other sin, hand on his hips. He had done nothing wrong, so what was to hide?

Jeno eyed his brother, "What were you doing? Were you following us?" Mark scoffed. His body language did seem like he hadn't done anything wrong, Jeno could admit that much. But he's a demon. The embodiment of Pride, to think he can't lie would be ignorant.

"Why would I want to follow you? Can I not walk within my own castle?" His voice was sharp, like he had something to hide. His hands waved around at the end of his sentence, motioning to the beautiful castle around them.

Jeno chuckled sarcastically, his hands landing on his hips as well, "Your castle? I don't think so, Mr. Pride." Jeno looked around the hall for a moment, tongue in cheek, "There's nothing in that end of the castle for you to be there."

Mark turned to walk away, a droplet of sweat dripping down his temple, wiping it away quickly, "Mind your business and you wouldn't have a problem, sex rat." Mark walked off, the heeled section of his dress shoes noting each footstep in the echoing hall, before he stopped at a door, and entered with a slam following. Jeno stared at the spot Mark stood at last, confusion filling his mind. What could he have been doing?

"Jeno?" The sweet voice of Renjun caused Jeno to snap back into reality, turning around to face him. Renjun noticed immediately the confused expression, his face instantly mirroring on to his own.

"What's the matter?" Renjun's eyebrows furrowed, lips tilted downwards. Jeno didn't immediately respond, simply grabbing his hand sweetly and walking him down the hall to where the two mortal boys stood waiting. They were talking amongst themselves about portraits on the wall, giving Jeno a moment to explain to Renjun quickly.

"I think Mark was watching us. I don't know why though." Jeno spoke quickly and quietly to not worry the other two. Renjun didn't respond as they stepped up to the rest, choosing to respond when they'd be alone.

"Let's finish the rest of this tour, then head back." Jaemin spoke up, his sparkling eyes once again flickering down to the watch on his wrist. Donghyuck nodded along, hushing him as the group continued down the hall.


"Thank you so much for bringing us. We'll have to go back again soon!" Donghyuck gushed after they had respawned back in Jaemin's bedroom. Renjun laughed, nodding along.

Jaemin flashed his famous smile, "I will admit, it was pretty cool to be there." He sat onto his bed, "It's so hot there, I don't know how you do it."

Jeno watched Renjun who smiled, shrugging his shoulders but not giving any specific explanation. He knew he had the Mark situation on his mind, same as himself. Jeno couldn't help but to feel the slightest bit of guilt for following Mark, and making a scene. Although the other boys hadn't seen it, it interrupted their time together, he just knew it.

"Well, we should head back now. You guys have finals to be studying for." Renjun said, "Good thing I sold my soul to get out of it." Everyone in the room laughed for a second, everyone knowing he most definitely did not sell his soul for a test, but for his mother.

They shared quick goodbyes, before Renjun and Jeno began their respawn back to the afterlife. The warmth of Hell made Renjun audibly sigh in relief. He hoped one day he'd be better with the temperature change between the two worlds.

When the familiar bedroom flashed before their eyes, Renjun immediately spoke up, "Do you really think he was following us?"

Jeno knew it was coming, it's all he could think of as well, "Maybe. When I turned back, I saw him walking away from us but he never left one of the doors and he never passed us. I just don't get why."

Renjun didn't respond, as he removed the clothes from his body, walking to the bathroom to start a shower. Jeno tried his hardest to keep his eyes to himself, Renjun's bare bottom on display during his walk. The cold stone floor was refreshing to the bottom of Renjun's feet, everything about the grand bathroom being relaxing and calming. But his mind ran wild with the new information.

"Maybe he was just curious who the strangers in the castle were." Renjun spoke loud enough to reach Jeno in the other room.

"But there's strange souls he's never met always strolling the halls. We passed at least 7 servants on our 30 minute tour of the castle who I've never seen before. Something just seems odd to me." Jeno spoke as he made their bed, deep in thought. Renjun stepped into the shower, enveloping himself in the steaming hot water.

Renjun didn't fight Jeno's point. He was right.

Renjun watched Jeno enter the bathroom, fully nude and step into the shower as well, "Don't bring this up to the boys. I don't want them to be scared of anything here. They'll worry to no end." Renjun whispered to his partner, their eyes finding each other's.

Jeno pushed the hair from the younger Sin's face and attempted to tuck it behind his ear, water washing over the two of them, "Of course, my love."

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now