𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 18.5 - 𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙡, 𝙒𝙝𝙤 𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪

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We sat in silence for quite some time, but it wasn't necessarily an awkward or tense silence. I was comfortable, more comfortable than I had been since arriving here.

Taeyong was proving to be decent company, at least so far. He sat silently on the opposite couch, watching the fire flicker just like I. I couldn't help but to take note of his features, the bright fire red hair that sat on the top of his head complimenting the red eyes just below. It was crazy to think that I too had those eyes now, the color vibrant as if it was a frame, to a window to the person inside.

I desperately wanted to know more about the man, he was now my soulmate and I knew I'd eventually learn everything there would be to know, but I just couldn't wait. It was as if a dark red veil had covered him before, an angry man who was emotionless, and now, the veil was removed and a normal person sat before me. I was so intrigued that just removing some of the evil within him could turn him into a different person. I wondered briefly if I too had truly changed that much.

"Well.." I broke the silence finally, my fingers fumbling with a lose string on my jeans, "Who are you?" I asked, looking up to see him. He smiled, cocking his head to the side as if he was confused before looking away.

"What do you mean? What do you want to know?" He asked. I thought hard about it, trying to decide what I wanted to know first.

"How did you come to be? How old are you?" Maybe my questions were ignorant, maybe even funny to him if they made no sense, but I wanted to know.

I watched him closely, the corners of his lips lifting to a smirk as he thought, his eyes everywhere besides me, "I was created just like the last leaders of Hell. Satan isn't just a single person, it's a figure head. I was created 450 years ago, created to be the perfect leader for Hell and crafted to perfection. Rumor has it, it took my creator 50 years to complete me, 50 years to create the perfect, indestructible leader of Hell. And one day, maybe I'll also step down. It's not mandatory, of course, so we can do this forever and ever, if we wanted." Taeyong appeared to struggle with his explanation, some sentences running into each other as he tried to explain the last sentence with the next. I had so much to learn about the Underworld, and he had so much knowledge, it must be overwhelming to dumb it down for me.

The thought of living here forever, for all of eternity was kinda of scary for me initially. I hoped that would change, to be comfortable with the idea.

"Of course, I'll need you to rule Hell with me so t-that's why I say we can do it forever.. Because I can't do it with half the power, I nee-" The smile on my face slowly grew as he stumbled over his words. He had explained it already, and yet here he was still worrying of explaining the situation to me.

He smiled back at me, this time the first real smile he had shared with me. His teeth shined brightly in the glow of the fireplace, and it made him appear even more handsome.

He sighed after a few moments, "I've been running Hell alone for all these years. This palace has been empty besides me for majority of them."

I nodded, "I see. Don't you get lonely?"

He shook his head quickly, "Never. When I had all of my power within me, I was strong, and lived only to run the perfect Underworld. I wasn't lonely, and I didn't care to be around anyone unless needed." He paused, "Now, I think I'm feeling more emotions than I was ever capable of before. So it may be possible one day."

"So if I would've never came along and took these powers, you probably would have never felt all these new emotions?" I asked, genuinely interested in the way he worked, and how he thought.

He nodded, "That's right. Without my full powers to protect me, I guess you can say I'm emotionally vulnerable." It was quiet for a while after he finished speaking, both of us deep in thought. Before I could stop myself, the words were pouring from my brain without even processing them.

"Or maybe you're not emotionally vulnerable, just because you don't have your powers to shield you from the truth anymore. Maybe you just feel emotion like most people do now, without all that extra protection."

Taeyong's eyes never left my face, flickering around as he thought, his arms crossing across his chest as he was deep in thought. The words I spoke shocked me even, the deep context being a lot for one of our first conversations. I felt as though my cheeks were burning, but I made note to think before speaking. I mentally slapped myself for letting the words come out so carelessly.

Taeyong didn't respond to my words, just nodding in acknowledgment before turning back to the fire. I gnawed on my lower lip, before turning back to the fireplace. I rested my head on the back of the couch comfortably, slowly becoming comfortable in the room.

"Would you like to go to sleep?" Taeyong asked after a few moments, my eyelids flying opened as I shook my head. Still though, he stood from the couch he sat on, stretching for a moment.

"You can sleep on my bed if you'd like. I need to go do some work in my office." My mouth sat open as I searched my brain for the right words to respond with, yet came up short.

He nodded once before excusing himself from the room without a second thought, closing the heavy door behind him just a moment later. I sat alone in the empty room, shocked at how quickly it had all happened. I knew my words might have upset him, and the regret of letting myself speak those thoughts began to eat at me.

I didn't know why I was so bothered by it, or why it seemed his emotions were on a high pedestal for me. It might've been the raw emotion he exhibited, and the upfront ways he had suddenly explained his emotions and who he was. I felt like I needed to worry about upsetting him, although I barely knew the man. My life seemed so important to him, I guess it would only be right for me to care about him the same, right?

I couldn't fathom the idea that I'd be here forever, or that this man would be by my side through it all. Although the universe told us we were meant to be, it didn't mean it was necessarily romantic, or just platonic. Yet still, the care ran deep between us even after such a small amount of time. Maybe it was just because it was meant to be, but I couldn't come to terms with that. Sure, the universe put us together, but could the devil really love someone?

Deep down I knew the answer. Taeyong wasn't a devil, not anymore. Together as a team, we could be, but on his own, he's just a semi powerful demon. Surely, Satan can't love even if he tried. But Taeyong was no longer that. His evil was distributed, and now within me as well, half of the man he was before.

Before, he wouldn't know how to care, or to love. But now, it was a different story. I didn't know what would happen, but I was excited to find out. I let my eyes close as I listened to my thoughts and the fire crackle, somewhat at peace as I sat alone. I slowly fell asleep, thinking of the red haired man.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now