Thank You Note

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Hello, readers!

We've come to the end of Hell Is Better With You. This is a sequel I never once expected to have written, and when I did write it, I never expected to actually publish it. And I'm so glad I did.

Supportive comments, and amazing people pushed me to create a story that would satisfy all of the people who came to love Welcome To Hell just as much as I did. I couldn't have finished this book or even found the motivation to post it without the select few who constantly commented, messaged me, and voted on each new chapter. Those of you who did, just know you're a huge piece of this puzzle.

I truly hope those of you who read and stuck with me over the month long journey will continue to support me in my future writing. I love writing, and I love the three ships I wrote about within these two books. I do have new stories coming out, the first of them being a noren coming out some time this month. (Teaser: It's gonna be juicy ;) follow me for announcements.)

Anyways, thank you reading. I hope you all enjoyed the journey of between Donghyuck and Mark, Jaehyun's tragic human life and his love story with Taeyong, and of course, Renjun and Jeno's struggle with overcoming guilt.

Take care of yourselves, my friends.


Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now