𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 14.5 - 𝙇𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝘿𝙖𝙧𝙠

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The silence of the palace was pretty similar to the silence I was surrounded by in the empty void. I missed that time being in that blackness, where nothing else truly mattered. I had unanswered questions, and not the clearest mind, but I was happy.

I didn't know if I was particularly unhappy here or if it was just the cold welcome I received. I think it was the latter of the two, but who knows. I didn't know much about this place yet.

The castle was quiet and nothing else happened. It reminded me of the empty void so much that I didn't even both to move myself from the floor at all. Who cares? In the void, I couldn't tell up from down, right from left, or if I even had a body post life so what was the big difference anyways?

The stranger of the house never came back to see me in this room, and I never left it. He told me not to leave the room, and I didn't dare to. At least at first.

At first, I didn't mind the room. Once the emotions and tears subsided, I found my mind empty. Nothing happened in the room, not even the slightest of wind could be heard. It was kind of blissful after the hectic time I've had here so far.

After some time, when I got up from the dusty, cold floor, I finally took in the state of the room the man had put me in. A small, dirty mattress laid on the bare floor, pushed against a wall, with two candles hanging from the wall to provide me with some kind of light. It was so, so dark and dull.

At first, this was everything that I could ask for, until it wasn't. When the room became overwhelmingly dark, and the candles were growing smaller and smaller as they nearly burnt out. And the dirty mattress that laid on the floor, no other blankets, cloths, or rugs anywhere in the room. Just four blank, bare, and dirty cement walls. Like a prison cell.

I didn't know when was night fall, or when would be daytime, but it didn't matter. No matter how closely I leaned my head on the door and walls, I couldn't hear anything. It didn't matter if someone could've seen me, I needed out.

So, I twisted the handle of the door open when I couldn't take it anymore, and when the candles finally died within their holders. When the darkest took over the disgusting room, that's when I left the room for the first time. If I would've known how many times after I would make the same journey, I wouldn't have been so ecstatic to get out the first time.

The first time I left the room I was in search of candles, something to brighten my room without the man noticing a change or difference. I was successful, and just some time later I attempted it again. This time I took candles from a mantle in a grand sitting room, just above the marvelous fireplace that seemed to never burn out. The room seemed just the slightest bit brighter after this, pleasing me for just a few hours it seemed, until I once again felt I needed more light. How could one small room seem to feel as though it was growing darker and darker no matter how many candles I stole?

This time I ventured even farther, and stole multiple candles, and even a lantern that shined brighter than all the other candles.

These trips into the palace only continued. I didn't know for how long, but it did. And quickly, a single candle stick turned into lanterns, which turned into blankets, and then into rugs. I covered as much as I could of the room with anything comfortable. Anything that could brighten the space, or brighten the dull grey colors of the room.

And it helped. Soon, I didn't feel so terribly anymore. The dirty mattress was now covered in hopefully clean blankets, and the dusty concrete floor was now covered, inch by inch, in different carpets from all around the strange palace, none of which matched in either color or pattern.

It felt.. okay. I felt more comfortable now than I ever had in the blank void, before I had decided to make the trek here. It was unbelievable that since making that decision, so much had changed while at the same time, nothing had changed. I was still just going on in the afterlife, just existing without purpose. While at the same time, so much changed. I was sat in a stranger's palace, where I assumed I was in Hell. Maybe even Satan's place.

I didn't know what would be my future. Right now, everything felt so unclear, like things could change at any moment. I didn't know if I wanted anything else to change, or to stay the same. Maybe it didn't even matter.

The power that ran rampant in my body while on my trek to this unknown location felt as though it was slowly boiling away. The once overwhelming feeling that bubbled through my veins was slowly drying up, like the sun soaking up an afternoon shower back on Earth. I didn't know what was happening, or why the feeling began.

It took a while before the slowly dying feeling really did anything to me but when it did, I didn't know what to do.

I laid half of the mattress, majority of my body spread out on the rugs spread out everywhere on the floor. I felt as though I had ran out of energy, like my brain was slowly going hazy. And eventually, I couldn't fight the feeling anymore.

I was scared, confused, but more importantly, exhausted. The ceiling above captivated me, my body too weak to move or to look anywhere else, and soon enough, the tons of candles within the room were the last thing I had seen, before falling unconscious. Alone, and unsure if anyone would ever find me.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now