𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 21.5 - 𝘿𝙤 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝘼𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩

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It didn't take long for me to decide, or for Taeyong to decide. Really though, there was little to decide on.

The universe was right, we belonged together. We never did try to fight this fact, but instead tried to pace ourselves. It was successful, for a short while.

For the first few weeks, we talked constantly. From the time we woke up to the time we went to sleep, we were practically attached at the hip. I didn't know what to do in Hell without him, and he couldn't just stay away from me knowing I was under the same roof. Eventually, it felt unnatural for both of us to be apart. We gravitated to each other every waking moment we had, it was natural that way. I grew to learn a lot about him and a lot about the mystery of the afterlife. I learned that Taeyong had never gotten sick in all of his existence, and that he hated blueberries. Taeyong loved to sleep, but hated the groggy feeling afterwards. His hair was naturally fire engine red, but thanks to me, he was thinking of going black. He was everything I hoped he would be; He was caring, and gentle with his actions and words. He was tough, still harsh on outsiders who often came to us for approval on things. He was easy to talk to, and easy to spend time with. He was accepting.

I never feared to say something around him, or feared being judged by him. And I returned the energy back to him, giggling as he became goofier and goofier as more time passed and never once judging him for the person he was slowly finding himself to be.

I knew I was falling for him, but I didn't push it. We didn't push it. Together, we got to know each other, and tried our hardest to keep our lips to ourselves. Surprisingly, it lasted a good two weeks or so. That's when the lingering touches began, then hand holding began, and then the chaste kisses on my forehead at night followed. It slowly grew, and grew, until one day I had enough.

He had kissed my cheek, coming entirely too close to my lips. He practically kissed the corner of my lips, and it fueled the fire that burned within me. I kissed him feverishly that day, and he returned it.

Next was the kisses on only the most special of occasions. Thinking back to it, it was almost humorous how strongly we tried to pace our love from forming. Special occasions seemed to become more often, or at least we made everything a special occasion to get away with the exception. We shared passion filled kisses once a day, satisfying our craving for each other slowly but surely.

The memories of it alone could bring a smile to my face. And it did, Taeyong breaking me out of my thoughts, "What are you smiling about like that?"

We were sat in the study, a desk identical to his now sat opposite to his in the room, the fireplace now dividing our two desks. I sat at my own desk, a book laid out on the table as I rested my head in my palm, eyeing the man across the room.

I giggled, knowing I had been caught, "You."

He quickly looked away, back to the paperwork before him with a pink blush on his cheeks that matched his red hair. He focused on the words on the paper, acting as though he was too busy to hear my words. I rolled my eyes at his cute behavior before attempting to continue my reading. I was trying to memorize spells that may be good to use in the future. It was amazing how there was a spell for just about anything, and how you practically create your own. I knew it would be a few hundred years before I could even think of doing something like that, but still, the spells intrigued me.

I sighed, bored of reading. I looked back to Taeyong who was clearly busy, writing on a paper as his eyes focused on it. I stood from my chair before making my way to the middle of the room, just between our two desks. He finally looked up as I stepped closer, his red eyes following my every move.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now