Chapter 16 - A Better Liar

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"Are you Mark?" Donghyuck asked as his back pressed against the closed, wooden door, his eyes locked with the magnificent blue eyes which followed his friends around. They were beautiful, even more so than when Donghyuck had seen them on the different occasions. But now was different.

The room was dark, only illuminated by candle light, which seemed to make his eyes pop even more. Donghyuck couldn't get enough, it was like he was in a trance.

Mark's eyes were wide, shocked a human would follow him into his room, especially one who wasn't one of his souls. This one was just an ordinary human.

Mark regained his composure, a deep swallow to clear his throat before he answered, "Yes.. I am. Why would you need to know?" He asked. Mark didn't get a response immediately, the dark, chocolate brown eyes of the human now closer to a black in the dim room. Mark continued on, "Did you follow me?"

Donghyuck didn't answer his questions, he didn't come to answer his questions, "Why were you in the forest watching us yesterday?" Donghyuck pressed the demon, Mark's prideful stance and expression slipping for just a moment before it returned.

Mark took a moment to get his thoughts under control, his eyes wandering the expanse of Donghyuck's face, "I needed to check on my brother, Jeno." He paused, watching to see if the human's reaction would change any, before adding, "And his partner, Renjun."

"And just now, while we were in the library?" Donghyuck immediately pressed him, not even giving him a moment after his response before he fired again. Mark's expression was one of shock, but he turned away, walking into the bedroom to conceal his expression. He didn't understand why he was feeling so weak, so unlike himself. It was a mere human, not even a soul, how dare he?

Mark turned back to the boy, who was still firmly pressed against the door, "Why are you so damn nosy?" Mark hissed at the human, his tone quiet yet strong. Donghyuck's determined, furrowed eyebrows slowly came apart, his face resting and stoic.

"Why are you?" Donghyuck fired back, his voice flat and monotoned.

Mark snickered sarcastically, the anger he felt rising within him at the human's overly prideful declarations and attitude, "Oh, real fucking funny! Really. Now, what do you want?" He stood with his arms crossed directly in front of the human.

"I want to know why you've been following my friends and I. It started in the forest that day, right?" Donghyuck raised an eyebrow at the demon, watching before him as the demon looked like he'd explode there on the spot.

Mark spoke between his teeth, frustrated, "I said, I was checking, on my brother." Donghyuck would have been scared had this came at any other time or from any other person, but the adrenaline didn't let him. It pumped through his veins, making him feel powerful and unstoppable.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "That seems like a bullshit reason. How about you tell me the rea-" He didn't get another moment to speak, the sin of pride, slowly beginning to lose it.

"That is the real reason! Why the hell else would I be doing it? To see you mere humans?" He spit at the human, his arms flying about as he angrily exclaimed. Donghyuck laughed confidently at this.

And boy, was that a mistake. Or so Mark thought.

The simple laugh that came from his lips ignited a fire in Mark he didn't know he could find. The pride that his entire life was built on suddenly had a crack in it, Mark had known that for days. But it felt as though Donghyuck had found that crack, and put a wedge in it. Like he was trying to tear down the prideful being within. Simply put, Donghyuck had hurt Mark's pride.

Mark slammed his fist against the door next to Donghyuck's head, there faces inches apart as Mark thought of his next move. He wanted to destroy the boy, to make him simply disappear. Maybe all his problems would be destroyed along with him.

But he knew he couldn't do it. Based off what he had seen, Mark knew Donghyuck was a vital piece of the friend group his brother was apart of. Jeno and Renjun would never forgive Mark for hurting Donghyuck. So he had no choice, but to take a step back.

Donghyuck's glittering eyes stayed locked onto Mark's own as he took a step back, the space between the two opening up. Donghyuck could no longer feel the angry sin's breath rained on his face, or see his perfect face up close, as he backed away. Step by step until he reached the bed, sitting on the edge.

"I think you should get the fuck out before I ruin you." Mark spoke, watching the human he expected to cower in fear take two steps forwards, away from the door and towards Mark on the bed. Mark just couldn't believe his eyes, watching the human in shock.

"I came to find out why you've been following us. And I need to know." Donghyuck spoke strongly, his eyes never leaving Mark.

Mark sighed, his hands gripping his knees as he tried his hardest not to put his hands on the human, "I don't have an answer for you." Mark paused, looking up to Donghyuck, "At least not the one you're looking for. I already told you." The room was silent after his response, Mark and Donghyuck not once looking away from the other, their gazes intense and neither wanting to back down first. It was an intense silence before it was broken by the sound of someone shouting far away. They were calling out Donghyuck's name.

Mark smiled, "I think that's your cue to get the fuck out. Before I kill you, of course." Donghyuck turned, thinking he had nothing left to say to the demon, but stopped at the door, his hand already on the handle ready to enter the hall.

"You know your reason is bullshit. Become a better liar, you're supposed to be a demon. I don't believe you for a second." He turned the knob and left the room, the hall empty. Donghyuck wandered back the way he came, hearing the shouts of his name echoing in the hall. He could hear his own heartbeat within his ears, and his chest heaved. He could hardly think about the situation he was walking away from, let alone how dangerous it could've gotten had he not been the best friend of Mark's own brother, or how dangerous it could've gotten had they continued the intense conversation, pushing the dangerous demon to his limits.

Donghyuck rounded the corner he thought seemed like the right way he had came from, before spotting Renjun. He looked as worried as ever, a crease between his two eyebrows. Donghyuck's heart broke, knowing he had no information to tell his immortal friend, that the conversation with the blue eyed man didn't give his any of the answers he looked for. There was nothing to tell him like he expected there would be.

Renjun's eyes landed on Donghyuck, his eyes immediately smiling in relief, "Oh, my god. Where did you go?" He shouted, his arms immediately wrapping around Donghyuck's shoulders to hug him tightly.

Donghyuck wanted to smile, he did, he just couldn't muster it after the intense conversation, "I just don't feel well. I needed a breath of fresh air and must've gotten lost." This was more than enough of a reason for Renjun to excuse his disappearance, immediately cooing and feeling the human's forehead for a fever. Still though, Donghyuck couldn't get the moments out of his head. The sight of Mark's face just inches away from his own, and the water blue eyes that shined back at him. How could someone so evil be so beautiful? Mark couldn't help but to think this.

It was just a moment later that Renjun had brought his mortal friend back to Earth, trying to carefully help him into bed, "You better sleep, I don't want you to get sick." Donghyuck nodded at this, not truly feeling sick but wanting to play off the situation so his demon friends wouldn't question it.

Renjun said a few goodbyes, making sure his friend was fully tucked into bed before heading back to Hell, completely unaware of what had actually happened. Donghyuck hated keeping it from him, but what other choice did he have? If he did tell him, Donghyuck knew he'd likely never be taken back to visit Hell, for fear of his own safety.

While laying in bed, his mind on the certain blue eyes, he couldn't help but to feel as though he was on cloud nine. Maybe it was because he felt as though he got the last word in, and he felt good about how he stood up for himself. Maybe it was just the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Something just felt good. Like he could do anything, defeat anything.

Donghyuck sat up in his bed, staring around his now empty bedroom before picking up his textbook. He then began to study, the confidence he felt to be able to ace this test growing as he read. He didn't know why he felt so great, but he was going to take advantage of it.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now