Chapter 15 - Adrenaline

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"Are you okay, Jeno?" Renjun whispered from Jeno's side, the feeling within his chest so strong he couldn't ignore it if he wanted to. Renjun could feel the pain in his lover, pausing the conversation with Jaemin to ask.

Jeno nodded, his once frozen expression now stoic, his jaw clenching and unclenching, "Honestly, I just wish there was another way." His voice was flat and monotoned, Jaemin and Renjun's concerned expressions breaking Jeno from the sadness he felt, "I'm fine, really. I just didn't realize how much time had passed."

Donghyuck knew he was missing out on a conversation within his group of friends. He could hear it, and he couldn't miss the concerned expression on Renjun's face which was illuminated by the glow of the orange fire in the room. Donghyuck eyed the hand that laid atop Jeno's hearing him talking about birthdays, the raw emotion in each one of their voices when they spoke.

Yes, Donghyuck knew he was missing a moment, but he also knew he'd be missing more if he didn't take advantage of this moment. From his spot in the dark library, Donghyuck let his eyes run around the room, before stopping on the doors. He already had planned to make a quiet run for it, to leave the room and search the palace for the certain blue-eyed demon who kept him up at night while the group had their deep discussion.

But Donghyuck wouldn't have to do any searching. The two doors sat cracked open, just wide enough that Donghyuck could see a single blue eye poked in between the doors. He couldn't get a good view of the eye between the two dark doors, but he wanted to believe it matched the man who stood before him just the day before in the forest.

Donghyuck quietly made his way around the room, a book in hand and raised to his eyes, as if he was reading. He made it around the group of boys, against the other boookcases, and followed the wall until he reached the front of the room. The door was just a few feet away, still partially cracked open. Donghyuck's heart beat in his chest erratically, terrified of what could follow in just a moment if he made the right moves. What he needed, what he wanted, terrified him.

The truth was, Donghyuck was deeply interested in finding the truth. Why was this man following the group around, and what if he ended up not even being the man with the piercing blue eyes who watched them in the waterfall just the day before? The curiosity was killing him. But also, was Renjun and Jeno in danger? Was this man watching them for a reason? Donghyuck couldn't help but to think that if he could get to the bottom of it, maybe he'd be able to help his two demon friends, to protect them.

But secondly, he felt drawn to the stranger. Donghyuck put it down to just raging curiosity, but he couldn't help but think that there was a reason he was the one catching him. Maybe it was like a calling.

Donghyuck slowly inched closer and closer, until he was standing right next to the doors, where he noticed they were now shut. No space peaked between the two doors, and especially not perfectly blued eyes. Donghyuck's heart spiked, pushing the doors open as quietly as he could muster. He took one last look into the library, his best friends still in deep conversation, along with a chuckle or two. Donghyuck didn't know what was going to happen, he wished he didn't need to question it, but he wanted to get to the bottom of this. He was determined. For his friends. But also for himself.

The door closed softly behind him, his eyes darting around, down each end of the long hall. The candle light flickered, giving the hall a dim, mysterious light. Maybe if this palace had normal, fluorescent lighting like back on Earth then Donghyuck wouldn't be so on edge. The atmosphere didn't give Donghyuck the most confidence, but he began to walk down the hall towards the end of the castle where Renjun and Jeno's bedroom was.

His steps were confident, although he lacked it greatly. He walked quickly down the hall, over the blood colored carpets and past the portraits of unrecognizable faces. Donghyuck's finger continuously bent, cracking his knuckles and continuing the action although nothing else cracked.

Donghyuck made it to the first intersection of the halls, looking down the new hall to see no other bodies, so he continued on. The adrenaline began to pump through his veins, the nerves beginning to slip away and the determination to get some answers took over.

It was at the next intersection of halls, Donghyuck looking to his right and seeing the back of the same head as he saw in the forest just yesterday. He didn't take a minute to beginning walking towards him, his footsteps loud against the hard concrete floors. The man was about to round another corner, Donghyuck picking up speed to a jog so he wouldn't lose him.

Once the man turned the corner, Donghyuck began a sprint. He couldn't let him get away, to go home with no answers once again. This was going to be it.

He took the same corner, his eyes immediately landing on the man. The man's pace was beginning to slow, before stopping at a door, twisting the handle and pushing it open. Donghyuck began to run again, pushing against the door just before it could slam closed. He squeezed his body into the room, the adrenaline in his veins doing all the thinking for him. His chest heaved from the running, but now, he stood face to face with the blue eyes he had seen, his back pushed against the door.

"Are you Mark?"

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