Epilogue 1

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Donghyuck groaned as he landed stomach, and face, first on Mark's bed. The impact was much harder than he expected it to be.

Mark chuckled, almost in an evil way, his body crawling up the bed. With a knee on each side of the humans body, he inched his way up the bed. With each movement the bed dipped, Mark's hands landing near Donghyuck's head to hold himself up. His body was nearly parallel to the human's below him, and he felt like a bigger animal crawling up his prey.

"What's wrong, baby? You don't like it?" Mark laughed, his head slowly dipping down to Donghyuck's ear.

Donghyuck huffed, attempting to shove the much stronger demon off of his back, "I don't like losing when we wrestle." Mark kissed the exposed expanse of Donghyuck's neck, before removing himself from the boy's back. Donghyuck rolled out from underneath him quickly, his feet landing onto the floor. Mark's smile was wide as Donghyuck immediately got into a ready position, ready to continue his fight, knowing he nearly lost.

Mark laughed, "You're a sore loser, crying when you start to lose and acting tough when you get back up.." His back hit the pillows as laughter enveloped him, his eyes watching the beautiful human before him. Donghyuck chuckled briefly along with him, even though it was a joke poked at himself.

Donghyuck soon joined Mark, laying back on the pillows at his side. It only took a few moments of quiet, empty silence for Donghyuck to turn on his side and face the demon before him.

Mark looked to his side at the expectant boy, "Don't look at me." His fingers shoved Donghyuck's face to look the other way, causing both of them to erupt in giggles once again.

Once the two finally settled down again, they found themselves in a tight cuddle. They had grown so close in the last few weeks, ever since Mark's confession that he anticipated a day Donghyuck too would be a demon by tying their souls. The simple comment sent the ball rolling, and quickly at that. Each time they saw each other, another memorable moment would occur. First the hand holding, then the kiss on the forehead, to cheek kisses, and finally kisses on the lips. Donghyuck loved the last one the most.

It was like they couldn't get enough of each other, and it was quickly spiraling. Donghyuck couldn't help but to think of the blue eyed demon every time he was alone, and so badly did he want to call him to spawn to his bedroom to cuddle on sleepless nights. The fear of dying on Earth kept them from doing it too often, but they couldn't help the thoughts about one day not needing to miss each other anymore. That one day, all Donghyuck would need to do is turn over in bed, and come face to face with Mark.

The day was quickly approaching, the day that they would tie their souls and make it official. Donghyuck had put hours of thought into the decision, going back and forth many times. But he always came back to the same decision, no matter how much it hurt him.


The mirror was heavy in Renjun's hold. He wasn't sure if it was just because it was heavy, or because he was nervous, but his hands wouldn't stop shaking. The mysterious glow around the edge of the glass called him to test it out, and he just couldn't wait any longer. He needed to know.

Renjun took a deep breath, his hold on the mirror tightening, "It'll be okay, Renjun." Jeno's supportive reminder rang from just behind him where the demon stood at. Renjun knew he was right. Whatever the mirror would show wouldn't hurt more than he already was. It could only do one thing: Heal. It was an amazing gift from Taeyong, one that would heal pain from their early relationship, and also the pain of sacrificing his life and the pain he put his mother through as a result.

He took one last deep breath, "Show me my mother." Renjun spoke strongly, his face staring back at himself in the mirror. The circling light suddenly turned from the bright white to a red color. The action of the circling soon became quicker, rounding the mirror over and over again until it seemed to surround the mirror's entire edge.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now