Chapter 5 - We're Okay

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"What were you doing last night?" Jeno's very sleep filled voice croaked out. Renjun's eyes peeled open, his spot in their comfortable bed pulling him back to sleep before Jeno had spoken up. Jeno sat up on his side of the bed, staring at Renjun. The memories from the night before had flooded in the moment he awoke for the day, confusing him to no end. He could still practically see Renjun forcing the door open and slamming it shut, his chest heaving too deeply for just an evening stroll around the palace. He normally would've waited for Renjun to wake on his own, but the thought just wouldn't leave his mind.

Renjun sighed, slightly annoyed that he couldn't sleep any longer, especially not with the older demon's eyes burning a hole through him. He pushed the blankets back enough to comfortably turn and face Jeno, still laying in their warm bed.

"I talked to Mark." Renjun quietly spoke, his voice not yet ready to speak after his sleep. He didn't look at Jeno, just staring ahead at the other pillows on the bed. This is how Jeno knew it wasn't an innocent conversation, something had happened between the two that made Renjun uncomfortable in some way.

Jeno pressed on, "And? What happened that you ran into the room like that?" His voice sounded stern this time around. Renjun finally looked at his partner, hearing the worry and stress in his voice. He sat on the bed with his legs crossed, fists on his knees. His bed head hair stuck up in every which way.

"He asked me about who we had brought to the castle. It was-" Renjun only got the chance to speak for a moment before he was cut off by a heavy sigh.

Jeno's eyes shut, his head falling into his hands, "I knew it." He didn't say anything else, the room completely silent. Renjun, confused on why he was acting this way, sat up. He stared at Jeno, his mind racing on why he could be acting like this. Nothing came to mind.

"Know what?" Renjun spoke softly, not wanting to upset the other anymore than he clearly already was.

Jeno looked up from his hands, his eyes a burning red color. He was angry. Renjun's heart could've skipped a beat at the way he looked, his hair messy and his eyes showing the most fierce fire red color he had seen on him since their first few times meeting. He looked handsome, no trace of anger on his face besides his eyes.

"Demons with no souls aren't supposed to bring humans to Hell. It's not a super strict rule, and has been broken before on certain occasions." He paused, Renjun confused and still trying to piece together why Mark was following them, "I don't have the best feeling about this." Renjun sighed, worrying about Jeno. He did seem pretty worried.

"I'm sure it's not a huge deal. He probably just wanted to know who they were. He could likely sense humans and got curious." Renjun ran his hand over Jeno's bare shoulder as he attempted to calm his worries. The words he spoke were true, it was a possibility he himself was trying to believe. Mark didn't seem like the type to be worked up over a simple rule, but what did Renjun know.

Jeno nodded, his eyes still just as red, "You're right. I just can't help to feel like it was odd." Renjun didn't say anything. He had a right to feel that way, Renjun felt the same.

"Let's put it behind us."

Renjun let the words soak into his brain, the crackle of the fire just loud enough to be a comfort. It was cozy, the heavy book in his lap as he sat on the oversized, maroon area rug, the light of the fire illuminating the words of the book.

"Never expected to find you here." His voice didn't even surprise Renjun, his familiar voice like butter, or a smooth blanket around him. Renjun turned his attention from the ancient book to Jeno who stood behind him, his eyes nearly glowing in the fire light. His lips curled into a crescent at the sight of Renjun, causing a chain reaction to Renjun.

Renjun turned back to the book and fireplace, "I'm just reading. This is my new life, I should know some Latin, right?" Jeno sat besides the younger Sin, just observing.

Jeno chuckled, but didn't say anything. He leaned back on his palms, just watching Renjun put his head back down and his eyes flicker across the pages.

"You should practice out loud if you want to improve." Jeno spoke up after a few minutes. Renjun smiled, he knew he was right but wasn't confident enough yet. Jeno was created to know Latin, it was different. Jeno laughed with him, knowing how ironical it was.

Jeno sighed, "At least in a decade I won't have to keep hearing how shitty your Latin is. At least at this rate." Renjun immediately looked up at him, slapping his arm.

The two laughed, Jeno delivering his own few slaps in. They fooled around for a minute, rolling around on the same carpet where terrible memories also took place. After a moment, both found themselves laying on their backs, looking up to the endless rows of books of the library.

"Can you believe I basically died right here?" Jeno said, turning his head to looked at Renjun. It was quiet, a negative memory flooding into both of their minds.

Renjun didn't bother to look over at Jeno, even though he could nearly feel his eyes piercing his skin, "Unfortunately." Jeno turned onto his side, his hand propping his head up to get a proper look at Renjun.

"It is, but nothing can come between us now. We made it right?" Jeno smiled warmly, his eyes floating across the room from the grand fireplace, to the book laying nearby, and back to his love. He felt the most at peace he had felt in a long time.

Renjun on the other hand, could feel himself slipping down a hole. He knew Jeno was right. A year ago, he was a living human with a beyond broken heart. Even with the aspects of his life improving, he could let go of Jeno. It was a dark, dark time that he didn't think about often now that the situation had improved tenfold. But just thinking about the pain that had occurred to both of them to get to the place they at were at now caused him to want to tear up.

Jeno could feel a familiar pit in his chest opening, sadness. It was a blessing to feel what his partner feels, but a curse all the while. His smile slipped from his face as he looked down at Renjun, who still didn't look at him.

Jeno wrapped his available arm around Renjun's slim waist, pulling his body closer to his own, "Why are sad?" He paused, sighing, "We're okay."

The fire crackled one loud spark, breaking Renjun out of his thoughts, "I know. It was just so tough, you know?" Jeno wanted to smile, of course he knew. They laid quietly, feeling each other's body warmth and thinking of the latest conversation. It had really got both of them thinking.

"Do you think my mom is going to forgive me? Well, move on, I mean." Renjun whispered just loud enough for Jeno to hear. Jeno didn't know what to say, or what Renjun needed to hear. He didn't know the answer to it, and didn't know what the right answer could've possibly been.

"I'm not sure, angel."

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now