Chapter 21 - I Loved.. Living

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"The real reason is just because I actually am that cool." Mark said, his voice even and flat, but his face showing a wide smile to Donghyuck. The human punched his shoulder, shoving him away as they both laughed.

They stood in one of the halls closest to the dining hall, Mark's portrait on the wall showing off of a handsome and beautiful man. Donghyuck loved the portrait, and made note to the demon that he looked fly, and handsome, to which Mark pridefully exclaimed his response.

"I'm never complimenting you ever again." Donghyuck rolled his eyes, moving onto the next portrait in the grand hall way, "This is.. " The human struggled to remember the man in the portrait, the glowing, dark forest green eyes staring back at him as if he was expectingly awaiting the answer, "Sicheng?"

Mark hummed, "Dong Sicheng is correct. Sin of Greed." Donghyuck smiled, proud he knew his name at the very least.

"He's very nice, I can't see how he can be Greed." Donghyuck spoke aloud, but mostly to himself. He had met majority of the sins by now, the weeks passing by as he made more and more visits to Hell, slowly learning more about his soulmate, and the other interesting things about the afterlife.

Mark answered, "Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean there isn't things in private that make him the beast he is." Donghyuck thought about his words as they slowly strolled along the hall to the next portrait.

"I don't think whatever he does could ever be evil, or greedy." Donghyuck chuckled, looking to the blue eyed demon at his side.

Mark immediately responded, "He's like the evil version of a genie. It normally goes, in Renjun's case for example, 'Oh, you want to save your mother? Well, I do love that watch on your wrist?' And then get this! He takes it." Mark exclaimed, dramatically.

They stopped at the next portrait, "Just a watch for that? He's a saint compared to the rest of you sins! Look at Doyoung! He's wrath! I feel bad for the people who sold their souls to him!" Donghyuck's eyes were wide as he spoke, passionate about getting to the bottom of which was the best sin.

Mark rolled his eyes, "At least I never stole anything from my souls."

Donghyuck gasped, "Yes! You did! You stole their sanity when you used their lowest points to fuel your own pride!" Mark's face immediately dropped as Donghyuck laughed, almost in an evil way. Nothing had changed, Donghyuck still loved getting the last word, and Mark still was getting proved wrong by a mere human.

Donghyuck laughed for a few moments, before turning to the next much more familiar face on the wall, "Jeno!" He smiled widely at the sight of one of his closest friends.

Mark sighed, "You don't even get that excited for my portraits." Donghyuck pretended he didn't hear, and instead continued on. He knew that since Jeno's portrait was there, the next one had to be his absolute favorite demon of all. Renjunnie.

And he was right, his hands immediately reaching out to hold the beautifully sculpted wooden frame, his best friend with his new gorgeous eyes dramatically shining through at Donghyuck. He loved the portrait, and remembered when Renjun had finally gotten it done to join the others, he was so excited to show the human. Even though he did have to pose for the painting for over an hour.

"Maybe one day yours will be on this wall too." Mark whispered to the human, carefully analyzing the way he reacted to his words. Mark meant it, every word of it. Over the weeks, their friendship had grown tenfold. Mark loved the brave and somewhat wacky human, but he hadn't made any true moves yet. No kisses, no hugging, nothing overly romantic. Sure, he couldn't help himself with the occasional flirting, but that was really it.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now