Chapter 11 - Little Demon

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"No, Jeno. I swear the door moved. It freaked us both out for a moment." Renjun complained, his back pressed against Jeno's chest. The bath water was so hot, steam rose from the water like a pan of hot water steaming on a stove.

Jeno chuckled, his hands rubbing up and down Renjun's sides, "It could've just been someone walking by, maybe someone bumped into it." He paused, pressing a kiss to the nape of Renjun's neck, causing goosebumps to run across his skin, "You're thinking too into it."

Renjun sighed, partially because of the feeling of Jeno's lips on him, and partially because of his words. Renjun couldn't get the odd day out of his mind, first with the dinner and then with the library doors being haunted. Could things even be haunted in Hell?

"I swear something isn't right. I can feel it." Jeno didn't fight Renjun's words, but didn't pay much mine to them either. Renjun turned in the bath tub, facing Jeno, a pout on his lips.

Jeno chuckled once again, gripping his cheeks to pull the younger demon into a chaste kiss, before speaking, "You're cute, but I think nothing is as bad as you think. Even if there is something odd, it's not to do with us, yes?" Jeno's voice was calm and collected, it really did help Renjun calm his nerves.

Renjun didn't respond to this, his eyes shutting. Jeno spoke again, "However Mark acted today has nothing to do with us. I think you're just on edge. Let it go, Junnie." His words started normal, eventually reaching a whisper as he pulled the worried demon into his chest. Renjun crossed his legs, allowing his head to lay on Jeno as he thought of his words. He knew he was right, but the anxious tendencies he had in his living life had followed him here. He couldn't rid himself of it, it's who he was.

Renjun pressed a small kiss to the skin of Jeno's chest where he relaxed against, before Jeno's finger had found their way to his jawline. He lifted Renjun to face him, before lovingly pushing kisses against his cheeks, nose, and forehead before landing on his lips. They kissed passionately, their hands roaming each other's bodies. Both had grown to know each other's bodies like the back of their hands, they knew their ways around. They knew what the other liked and they what they absolutely loved.

The candles around the room flickered but the two never noticed, Renjun's arms finding their way around Jeno's strong shoulders as they both kept the rhythm of their lips going. Jeno's wet hair hung in Renjun's closed eyes but he didn't mind.

Jeno's arms tightened around Renjun's small frame, pulling him atop his lap, their members quickly hardening against each other as their chests moved together as they kissed, like a dance. Heavy breathing filled the large bathroom, love for the other pouring from each other them, the anxiety of the day leaving their bodies.

"Let's.." Renjun spoke between two kisses, pulling apart for just another moment, "..move to the.." Jeno attacked his lips once more, his hips rising to tease Renjun, "..bed." Jeno smirked, but continued his relentless attack of kisses to the other.

Jeno kissed the corner of his lips, then his cheek, and down his jaw to his neck, and collarbone. Bites, and sucking filled the space between each spot his lips landed at, Renjun's sounds of pleasure filling the room.

Jeno pulled himself away for a moment to stare at Renjun, their glowing red eyes matching a firey red, before Jeno spoke, "Turn around."


Renjun walked through the palace, a pair of comfortable sweatpants adorning his legs, along with a long sleeved shirt. He could just imagine what Donghyuck and Jaemin would say at the sight of his clothing, but he didn't feel hot here like the mortals did.

The plush carpet squished between his toes in some places, and in others his bare feet tapped against the stone floor. It was another restless moment for him, the library calling him. Jeno had fallen into a deep sleep after their hour long sex in the steaming bathroom, which eventually moved to the bedroom when Jeno soon fell asleep after. Renjun still felt on cloud nine just at the thought of it.

The halls of the palace weren't in any way empty, servants rushing around here and there, but all of then kept their heads down at the sight of Renjun. Nonetheless, Renjun still smiled at each one of them.

The heavy doors of the library stood before him before long, Renjun pushing the door open, trying his hardest to be quiet with the heavy door that always slammed to a close if he wasn't careful. As he turned to shut the door slowly, a voice shocked him, causing him to slam it shut.

"You don't have to be so gentle, Renjun."

Renjun gasped in shock, the normally empty library actually being used for once. He turned to face the majority of the room, the fireplace lit and illuminating the beautiful partner of Satan. Jaehyun.

His skin looked flawless, and his beautiful facial features standing out as they were illuminated by the orange hum of the room. No wonder Taeyong fell in love with him in this very room.

He stepped into the room, slightly nervous, "I didn't expect to see you here." Renjun spoke, a hand rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped closer to the table where his few books were placed, along with the ones Mark had gifted him.

Jaehyun smiled, his dimples casting a shadow making them look even more prominent, "I know. I needed away from Taeyong for a moment." His eyes locked with Renjun's own, the red that he famously shared with Jeno also shining back at him. They were intriguing, Renjun wondered for a moment why they chose to give Lust their shared red eyes, but not the rest of the Sins they created. Maybe one day he'd ask.

Renjun smiled as he sat in a rocking chair besides him, his current book in hand, "The library really is a great place to get away." The longer he was in the room, the more comfortable Renjun found myself with him.

Jaehyun shut the book he read, turning in his chair face Renjun, "It is. How do you feel about being a Sin now? By now you should be fully accustomed, that's why we felt so excited for the formal dinner." Renjun smiled, feeling like he was gossiping with his mother, it reminded him of his old life.

Renjun shrugged, "I love it. I love Jeno, so it's been an easy transition. I still struggle some." Jaehyun's eyes on him couldn't be ignored in Renjun's peripheral vision as he flipped to his last page.

Jaehyun smiled at the other, Renjun looking up as Jaehyun spoke, "That's great. It's beautiful. I hope the rest of the Sins also find their soulmates one day." The two sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about the future, "I see a lot of myself in you, especially the lost, human Renjun." The words shocked Renjun for a moment, his mouth opening and closing as he searched for the right words to say.

"W-Why?" Renjun asked, genuinely shocked, and confused. He knew little about Jaehyun, and was intrigued.

Jaehyun smiled as he looked away for a moment, his eyes trailing around the library as if he was trapped in his own memories for a moment, "I too ended up here for eternity for the mere fact that my soulmate was here. I gave up on everything on Earth, and so did you. Maybe not for the same reasons, but still. Nobody here had tied souls besides me and Taeyong, and now you and Jeno. I was the outsider once too." He smiled warmly, as if the memories alone could sprout the most joy he'd ever felt.

The smile on Renjun's own face couldn't never been wiped off, "Don't tell me the full story. I'm still reading into the history of Hell." Jaehyun laughed, a real laugh.

"I like you, little demon."

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