Chapter 14 - The Library?

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The bed squeaked under their weight, but neither of the boys stopped to pay mind to it. They were on a time limit, and knew they wouldn't make it through a few hours without doing this first. Renjun was still a baby Sin, he couldn't last so long without the temptations rising again. The mortals back on Earth would be expecting them soon, but this needed to be done.

Jeno slapped his lover's small, soft back side as he continued to fuck into him, loving the small sounds that escape the younger demon. The handcuffs around his thin wrists laid on his own back, giving Jeno a perfect stop to hold on to. One hand on the handcuffs, and one on Renjun's side, Jeno continued his relentless attack.

"Baby, I'm gonna cum.." Renjun's breathless voice sounded into the room, his eyes turning back to look at Jeno.

Jeno didn't say anything, just grabbing Renjun's neck and forcing him back into the mattress. The younger demon loved to be manhandled, he liked it rough and Jeno knew that. The moans that expelled from him were mostly concealed by the pillow below him, Jeno smirking at the way his body shook from the intensity of his orgasm. Jeno tightened his hold on Renjun's neck as he focused on his own pleasure, quickly reaching his own peak where he pulled out of Renjun's fluttering pink hole and came onto the soft skin of his lower back.

Jeno couldn't even finish before Renjun was whining, "Hurry up. The boys will be summoning us any minute." His voice was breathy, his face still pressed against the pillow. Jeno laughed, smacking his round, sore bottom once again and watching the way he winced.

"Well, let me take those handcuffs off."


"God, what took you guys so long? There's not much to do in Hell to get sidetracked." Jaemin snorted as soon as he saw the two demons begin to spawn in his bedroom, Donghyuck looking up from his phone while lounged on his friend's bed.

Donghyuck laughed at the normally patient boy, "I can tell you exactly how they got sidetracked." The two demons full spawned, the younger of the two stepping towards the two to send a slap on the mortals' arms.

Renjun stood with his arms crossed, "You know nothing." Jeno snickered at his side, turning his head to face the wall so the feisty younger demon wouldn't see.

Neither of the mortals spoke for a few moments, just snorts and snickers filling the small room before Renjun sighed, "Alright, whatever." Donghyuck sat up from his lounged position on Jaemin's twin sized bed. His face seemed as though there was more behind his expression, Jeno couldn't help but notice. Like something was on his mind.

"Alright," Jeno laid a hand on the small of Renjun's back, "Let's get going, yes?" The two mortals in the room smiled uncontrollably, excited to once again be going back to Hell. For Donghyuck, this would be his third visit, and yet he was still just as nervous, and just as excited. But inside, he was on edge.

Donghyuck knew if he got the chance to sneak off, he would. Or, better yet, if he happened to see Mark he hoped he could run into him to grill him on why he had been watching them those two days. The thoughts hadn't left his mind all night, it was a restless night but he didn't want to give himself away to the two demons.

The two mortals stood before the demons, smiling widely in anticipation, "Alright, remember to shut your eyes or else you'll get dizzy and ill." Renjun mentioned it to his two best friends, hoping to diminish the possibility of the two getting sick during the spawn to Hell.

And just a moment later, the group was in the bedroom of the Sins of lust. It was much cleaner than the first time they came, the bed made to perfection and no clothing anywhere on the floor.

Donghyuck was first to speak, "God, this heat is intense.." It was more like a mutter, his hand flying up to his shirt, fanning himself with it. Jeno smiled at him before reaching for Renjun's hand to intertwine their fingers.

"It's not so bad after a while.." Renjun laughed, watching the two walk around the room, just as mesmerized as they were the first time they came to the afterlife. Jeno squeezed his hand as Jaemin came closer to the closet door, this time they planned ahead and put a lock on it.

"Can we go to the library?" It was a question nobody in the room could believe came from Donghyuck, the boy who would rather do anything other than reading. Renjun raised an eyebrow at him, the two demons walking towards the middle of the room.

Renjun chuckled, "The library? I've never heard that one before." Jaemin laughed from his spot in the room, just as confused as Renjun.

Donghyuck laughed at his best friend's reactions, "Renjun, when you brought me there last time it just felt so cozy unlike anywhere else in this place." Donghyuck searched the other's faces, the confused expressions never really changing, "Maybe you guys can show us some other places we haven't been yet!"

Jeno laughed, "Sure. There's not much else to this place but we can show you what we have." Renjun was first to open the door, letting the two mortals walk through the door way and into the dim, candle lit hallway.

Jeno shut the door behind the group, the two sins watching the two from behind as they walked down the hall and towards the main area of the castle. Each portrait they passed they stopped at to talk about, majority of them Renjun having no idea who they were. There was a long history to Hell, but he knew he'd get to them eventually. Soon enough, Renjun hoped he'd know each of them by their faces as he walked amongst the halls.

Jeno couldn't help but notice that Donghyuck seemed so much less outgoing than normal, it was odd to see him in such a way. Jeno looked to his side at his partner, trying to read his expression, if maybe he felt his best friend was acting weird as well, but came up short. Renjun smiled widely at his two friends, not a worry in sight on his face. Jeno thought maybe he was just overthinking, as he pushed it to the back of his mind.

The group continued on through the halls, the mortals exceptionally shocked at everything they passed, even the miserable looking servants they passed occasionally.

Once they made it to the library, the group spread out, Renjun and Jeno sitting in the few rocking chairs by the fireplace while the two other mortals walked around the room, trying their hardest to read some of the titles on the books.

Jaemin approached the two rather excited, a wide smile on his face. He bent beside his best friend, just smiling at him. Renjun slowly smiled back at the mortal, confused on his sudden and random action.

"Do you know what is coming up?" Renjun searched his mind as to what he could be talking about, coming up blank, but a smile on his confused face nonetheless.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, looking over his shoulder at a distracted Donghyuck before whispering, "Hyuck's birthday." The words alone sparked a whole new, quiet and hushed conversation between the two best friends, Jeno slowly falling into his own thoughts while they talked.

Donghyuck's birthday? Had that much time passed already? Renjun's childhood friends are slowly growing to be older than he, they'd all eventually grow up and move on in life, completely different from the now demon Renjun, who would forever be 19. Jeno felt like a hole was cut into his chest, the reminder that Renjun's living life, his normal life, had all been taken away because of him. If it wasn't for Jeno, Renjun would be a year older, maybe even happier, and about to graduate and enter his adult life. It hurt Jeno to think about.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now