Chapter 19 - My Forever Friend

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Donghyuck cracked his eyes open, the sunlight pouring in and burning his eyes. His vision was blurry, and his head hurt like he had been sick for days. His hand immediately flew up to hold his forehead, not bothering to try to open his eyes again.

He groaned, turning over in his bed to face away from the window. The bright sun was warm on his skin, and too bright on his eyes. He tried his hardest to fall back into his sleep, trying to remember what the latest dream he had was. That's when the memories poured him, something of a nightmare.

Donghyuck cracked his eyes, his mouth agape in shock as he processed his memories. He tried to rub the blurry mess from his eyes, and pushed himself from the pillows with his other hand.

With one clear, nonblurry eye, Donghyuck spotted the familiar figure stood on the opposite side of his room. The memories flooded in more so now with the man stood before him. He looked exhausted, and worried. Donghyuck didn't know what to say, confused and full of unprocessed emotion.

He tried to rub the other eye to have clear vision, afraid his mind was deceiving him. But Mark was definitely stood before him, his blue eyes slowly flickering up to meet with Donghyuck's.

"What happened? What was the result?" Donghyuck croaked, his voice hoarse and his throat dry. His eyes were wide, yet his head was still full of soreness, like he wanted to sleep forever. He didn't once think how odd it was for him to be stood there, or how long Mark must've been there. His mind was purely focused on the results of the extremely painful test.

Mark visibly gulped, "The pain caused you to pass out. I did as well. It was very intense. Taeyong said he has never seen anyone react that strongly." Donghyuck nodded, awaiting the most important piece of information.

"The test was conclusive. We're soulmates." Mark rubbed his face with a flat hand, his eyes looking around the room as he was clearly deep in thought. The words rang in Donghyuck's head, over and over. Soulmates. Soulmates. Soulmates.

Donghyuck sighed, not sure exactly how to feel, but still shocked nonetheless. They barely knew each other, how could it be so? Donghyuck hated that he was still second guessing it, that maybe there could be a mistake. But there was no mistake.

Mark spoke once again, "You should get ready for the day. We'll head to Hell. You should tell Renjun as soon as possible." Donghyuck looked up to the demon, nodding in agreement. He was right, if Renjun found out on his own accord, it would look bad. And, Renjun was the only one who would know somewhat how Donghyuck felt. Nobody would understand the feeling besides him. It might be best to talk to him as soon as possible.

"My head still hurts, is this normal?" Donghyuck asked, scooting over the mattress to plant his feet on the floor. His body felt unbelievably tired, like he never slept at all.

Mark nodded, "Mine does as well. Jaehyun brought you back here after the spell was complete and Taeyong took care of me in Hell. There's not much we can do for the pain, it'll resolve itself apparently."

Donghyuck nodded, standing from his bed to begin to get ready for the new day, "You can sit on my bed, if y-you'd like. I'll get ready." He grabbed a few things from his closet in a rush, before heading out of the room to leave Mark in the room, and heading to the bathroom.

Donghyuck splashed his face with cold water to rid himself of the blush on his face. He just told Mark to have a seat, that's all. He cursed himself for being so awkward. It took him just a few minutes to get ready for the day, anxiety slowly beginning to trickle in as he thought about what the day would hold. Today really would be the first day of a different life, one where he knows exactly who his soulmate is, and how it'll effect him for the rest of his life. Donghyuck questioned if any feelings could even grow for the man who sat in his bedroom. It seemed impossible to love Mark. Maybe they would be platonic soulmates.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now