𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 6.5 - 𝑭𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔

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My knuckles screamed in protest, the weight of my body clinging to the wall of the bridge and resisting the wind was putting too much pressure on them. Soon enough, I'd be able to say sorry to my own body. Sorry for everything I put it though.

The wind screamed in my ears, my hair flying around messily. The wind willed me forward, it whispered in my ears, and told me to just do it. The tears that fell from my eyes fell down the great distance to the river below. I would follow soon after.

I fixed my balance on the small ledge, my grip restabilizing. I gripped it, staring forward into the surrounding area. The town looked beautiful from here. Why was Earth so beautiful, but the people not?

I let my grip on the small wall loosen, the wind pushing my body as if it was telling me to just do it already. What was I hesitant for? There's nothing here for me. No love, no friendship, nothing. I barely even had myself. I constantly allowed myself to get hurt, I couldn't even trust myself.

My body wavered for a moment in the wind, my hands coming up, raising to a T position. Cars continued to light me with their headlights as people drove by, but nobody cared to stop. To help. It further solidified that nobody cared about me, not a stranger, no friends, not even the people who brought me into this world. The people here were ugly, the world wasn't an ugly place. Maybe that's why I loved art so dearly.

I closed my eyes, feeling the fresh air whipping around me, between each strand of my hair and each finger spread into the air. I let the wind carry me, it hugged me as a warm welcome.

The moment my last toe left the bridge, I was at peace. I didn't have to do anything anymore, the wind and gravity did everything for me. I was finally weightless it felt like. The blue night sky reflected in the dark river water, an abyss. It felt as though I moved in slow motion, even my last breath seemed to move in slow motion. I felt the most at peace I had as long as I could remember.

Finally. Everything from this moment on was certain, I'd be finished soon enough.

The chilled air nipped my skin as I fell, before I crashed into the water below. Blackness surrounded me, the water freezing cold. It shocked my skin, the pain of hitting the water from such height. I didn't know what hurt more, the cold on my skin, the pain in my body from hitting the water, or the pain in my neck I felt.

Everything hurt, but it was relief. In a way, I had forgot I could hurt in any other way than emotionally. I was dying. I knew I was. The pain that spread through my body was unbearable, my vision becoming spotty. Here it goes..

Suddenly, all at once, the pain stopped. It was like an off switch. The painful thoughts that tormented me for far too long quieted to nothingness. Pure blackness closed in on my spotty, faded vision before it surrounded me. Nothing happened.

What now?

Looking around did nothing for me, nothing changed. It was as if you closed your eyes, and looked around. It was the same emptiness. I felt calm. I didn't fight it, or resist in anyway. I let it take me, and surround myself in the emptiness. This is all I had wanted for far too long, to have nothing. Nothing to worry about, no prying eyes, no judgmental people masking themselves as caring. This is what I have waited for, I just didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now