Chapter 9 - The Annual Dinner

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Renjun wasn't the most excited about the news, Jeno knew he wouldn't be but he didn't expect it to be this bad.

"Seriously, Jeno? You should've just told me to stop crying and get ready. Now we're going to be late!" Renjun whined from the bathroom, the steam of the extremely hot shower flooding into the bedroom where Jeno stood with a clothing rack in the center of the room. Jeno looked through each piece before deciding the two demons' outfits, not paying much mind for the whines from Renjun.

"I can't do that to you, you know that. It's not a big deal, we don't have to be super presentable." Jeno spoke loud enough to reach the showering boy, laying out the chosen clothing on their large bed. The faucet shut off, Renjun quickly drying himself before joining the other in the room.

Renjun sighed while eyeing the outfits, "I still wanted to look nice as the first couple of the Sins. It's the first big change in hundreds of years, Jeno." Renjun couldn't lie, the outfits were beautiful. Ever since Jeno had been dressing himself more, his fashion sense was quickly improving. On the bed laid two similar yet different outfits. Renjun knew which was his as Jeno had already began dressing himself. Renjun's shirt was a beautifully detailed lace button down, a dark red velvet blazer over top and black fitted slacks along with it. Jeno had the same blazer, but his shirt was a simple black button down, and white dress shoes unlike Renjun's plain black. Renjun's lace top brought a familiar memory of the last year's annual dinner. He wore a top slightly similar to it.

"Not too bad for a demon learning to wear clothes." Renjun smirked at his own joke but overall happy with his choices. Jeno smiled, continuing to dress himself quickly before the two would be late.


Renjun had managed to get them to the grand dining hall in time, the familiar scene from just last year filling his mind. They had even managed to be there earlier than the other Sins and their accompanying souls, warmly greeting Taeyong and Jaehyun who sat at the heads of the the long table. One by one, the various Sins entered the room, some dressed beautifully elegant while others barely looked presentable. Taeyong didn't say anything about them though, he did make them to be that way. In his eyes, they were perfect in anyway they arrived.

Eventually, it had been 10 minutes past the starting time, the room slowly growing quiet as everyone sat ready for the dinner to begin, although one Sin and his soul were missing from the room. Renjun looked to his side at Jeno who already stared back, confusion clear on both of their faces.

"He did meet with you to discuss start times, yes?" Taeyong asked from the far end of the table to the other where Jaehyun sat, all the Sins' eyes flickering between the two.

Jaehyun nodded, "Of course." His voice was lusciously deep, almost elegant and careful in the way he spoke. Renjun didn't hear him speak often, but boy, was he a fan.

The room fell back in silence as everyone sat and waited, the only Sin seemingly genuinely annoyed on the wait being the famous Ten, Sin of Gluttony, who's blank black eyes stared around the room, his impatient fingers tapping against the table.

Renjun turned his attention back to Jeno, finding his fingers under the table to grab ahold of, a strong squeeze from the older demon following. Renjun's heart could've doubled in size at the mere action, his love for Jeno nearly overflowing from the simple act.

Finally, the double doors slammed open, the missing Sin finally arriving. Ten looked as if he would cry from the demon's arrival, like all his problems had been solved. Mark strolled over to the set of two chairs sat diagonal to Renjun and Jeno, his pace slow and calculated. He was so proud-full of the bare minimum. It was immediately noted to the couple of lust that Mark had arrived alone, with no soul at his side.

The room was still quiet for the most part, Taeyong greeting the Sin sarcastically, "Glad to see you could join." There was no response, giving the ruler another moment to speak, "Without a soul at your side." Nobody spoke. Taeyong looked as if he could've started a fire with his eyes alone, his balled up fists on the top of the dining table for everyone to see. Renjun was nervous himself, and he wasn't even the target. Mark shrugged as he sat in his chair, not looking up to see his brothers and the other souls, just eyeing Taeyong.

Jaehyun spoke up once again, Jeno couldn't remember a time Jaehyun had looked that annoyed, "Can I ask why you must break tradition?" Mark chuckled at the question before his eyes suddenly snapped upwards, staring straight at Renjun and Jeno. The couple of Lust's hold on each other only tightened under his gaze, Jeno trying his hardest to remind his love that everything was fine by the simple hand hold under the table.

"Since we're already breaking so many traditions and rules, what's one more?" Nobody argued him, his glare never once moving from the couple until Taeyong cleared his throat, attempting to pull his attention away from the new couple in the room.

"Anyways, my sons. I welcome you and your souls to the annual dinner."

Immediately the doors opened, servants who looked beyond petrified carried large trays full of the first course, setting plates before each person along the incredibly long table. Ten, who was seated to Renjun's right, nearly jumped in his seat at the sight. Renjun couldn't remember the last time he had eaten in Hell, it was unnecessary for him to eat unless he simply wanted to. Jeno released Renjun's hand, unrolling his silverware from the napkin, Renjun following his actions nervously.

Taeyong and Jaehyun stood at their ends of the grand table, Taeyong simply clearing his throat to gain the attention back to him. Renjun almost giggled at the annoyed expression on Ten's face.

Taeyong spoke first, his eyes that matched Renjun's own, shining in the room, "We will now go ahead and let you introduce yourselves before we begin eating." His outfit was a full black suit, matching Jaehyun's. Renjun blushed at the fact he too was matching with his partner.

The first sins begun introducing themselves, starting with Wrath, his soul sat to his side had bruises litter their arms, and they were dressed poorly. Renjun felt bad for them for a moment before the Sin began to speak, "I'm Doyoung, the sin of Wrath." He sounded disinterested, his beautiful purple eyes barely raising from the plate before him. He looked as if there was better things for him to be doing.

Next was Sloth, a simple Sin who, didn't give a fuck, "I'm Taeil. Sloth, I guess." Jeno snickered at his brother's introduction. If you could even call it that. Next was Greed, a beautiful green eyes Sin who named himself Dong Sicheng, dressed beautiful in what appeared to be the most expensive clothing, while his soul to his side was dressed in basically rags.

And next was the famous Mark. Renjun didn't need reminding of any of the Sins' names, and be especially didn't need reminder of this troublemakers name.

"I'm Mark. Sin of Pride, of course. And this is my soul." He pointed to the empty chair, shooting a look at Jeno as a reference to the annual dinner from the year before, the one where Jeno accidentally called Renjun by his name, simply because he was slowly falling more and more for the once mortal. Mark slowly released his eyes hold on Jeno, before looking over to Taeyong who sat with a disapproving look.

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