𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 10.5 - 𝙃𝙖𝙙 𝙏𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡

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My new body only grew to feel better, and more like a normal body would. Something still felt so different, I couldn't decide if I liked it.

The glowing red light never changed, still off in the distance and drawing me to come closer, and closer. I wanted to, something told me to go to it but fear kept me away.

I tried my hardest to come to terms with the fact that life never really truly ends, it just turns into something different, or so I thought. I assumed the red light that called my name was Hell, as that's what I had heard on Earth. Who knew if it could be true.

When I died, I believed it would be the end, and I would be no more, but it didn't. Even if the vastness was all there was, just emptiness, my mind and thoughts still survived. And here, faced with the possibility of going to Hell just proved even more so that my life never truly ended, just transformed.

It was slightly heartbreaking to know. I wanted nothingness after, to escape from this body and be put to rest. But was there ever going to be a real rest? I feared I knew the answers to this.

I didn't know what came over me. One moment I was thinking about my past life, and next, I had decided I would begin walking into the light. Something was waiting for me, maybe the second half of my life. Whatever life really is.

I was scared, as I stood and faced the glowing red aura. I didn't know what I was to expect, but it didn't matter. I was going, it was final. I took a single step towards it, nothing. I took another, nothing. And then another. Still nothing.

This was going to take a lot longer than I anticipated. So, I began to walk. And I walked. I was scared, beyond scared of what I would come to. The fear didn't hold me back, I wouldn't let it.

I didn't know how long I had walked for, the aura never really changing much, but what did change was my body, how it felt. The more I walked the more my body tingled, the more the electricity in my body spiked. I no longer had to focus on the feeling by completely stopping in my tracks, I could feel it doing anything now.

I felt nearly unstoppable, like I could do anything I wanted. I didn't know what this was happening for, or why I felt this way, but I didn't want it to stop. The red light slowly became bigger, hardly noticeably bigger, but it motivated me to continue on.

I felt so unstoppable, like a God, the more I walked. I could hardly believe it. I didn't fear what waited me, wherever I was headed. Based on how my body felt, I knew I could conquer whatever I was faced with. How bad could it be?

I could imagine how I would feel once I reached my destination, based off how quickly I felt my body changed with each few steps.

The more I walked, the warmer I became. A warmth like no other as it slowly became more and more intense, it almost felt welcoming, but I knew it likely wasn't. I was scared, but not at the same time for what I would come upon. I still thought as I walked that I didn't deserve Hell, but the feeling within me urged me forward, to continue my trek. The fear didn't hold me back, but it did a damn good job to work me up.

The aura soon felt as if it was surrounding me, the once dull, empty, vastness I was surrounded by once to soon being illuminated by a redness, then an orange. It was bright, it caused my to squint my eyes if I stared directly into the spot.

The warmth turned into a heat, blowing upon me every so often, but I continued forwards until I saw it.

It was still such a distance away, most of the details still washed out by the bright yellow light surrounding it. A dark fence attempted to entrap all the light, and failed. I couldn't seem much else besides a large castle, or maybe some kind of building. Fear filled me, this had to be Hell.

The feeling within my body felt like sparks, it felt inhuman and unlike anything I could've felt while alive on Earth. My feet went against me, pushing forwards against my will.

With each step, I felt like if I was on a different planet, something I couldn't describe. It filled every corner of my body, is this the way drugs feel?

I trudged on, the details of the place coming together slowly. A magnificent palace was within the walls and, a large gate marking the entrance of the entire location, like a prison. I couldn't really see beyond the entrance, it was so bright. Maybe that's fire? I couldn't put a finger on it. I thought if I should step up to the gates, should I even enter?

I loved the way I felt, and couldn't imagine it was for no reason. There had to be reason, and I wanted to know. There's a reason I ended up here, a reason why I ran towards this light and decided to follow it. There had to be a reason. So, I followed my instincts, and walked to the gates.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now