𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 15.5 - 𝙐𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨

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The stress weighed heavily on the red haired Taeyong. It became difficult to focus on daily tasks to upkeep Hell; First for the stress he was under knowing someone who the universe said was supposed to be his soulmate was just a few floors up in a room, and secondly because his once powerful and unstoppable body was now weaker, his powers being shared with the random man named Jaehyun.

Operating Hell required a lot, there was many souls who requested to meet him to discuss why they were there, and demons who he regularly met with the discuss their matters with. He kept up the cleanliness of the palace, or at least tried to. The weakness Taeyong felt now made everything harder, even just getting out of bed felt like a challenge now.

At first Taeyong tried to deny the facts, to push away even the slightest possibility that the life he was knew was no longer. How could Satan have a soulmate? That's ridiculous. Maybe if he forgot this person even existed, maybe he'd disappear from existence. Maybe he'd get his powers back, and the person would simply disappear.

It took days of Taeyong sitting in the library, reading through every book he thought could possibly have information on how to get rid of his problem, to no avail. The stress tore him apart, along with the sleepless nights. How could there be no answers to this?

Taeyong was faced with the decision of how to solve his problem on his own, the centuries year old books within the library being no use. He tried to busy himself in piles of work to keep the stress away, to focus on something else for just once. But somehow the reminder always came. Sometimes the reminder was just his body not performing well, his powers weakened. But it always came. Taeyong never could truly envelope himself in work.

The pen he tapped against the wooden desk broke him from his thoughts, his dark candle lit study and the crackle of the fireplace pulled him back to reality. Papers regarding a few random demons' needs laid before him, going completely ignored. Even just the slightest bit of attention to get through the stack of papers was too much.

Taeyong sighed, laying back in his office chair, his eyes tired and his body seemingly sore. He couldn't recall a time his body had ever felt this way, the powers that once flowed through him now partially gone, gone to the boy upstairs.

Just the thought of him once more sneaking into his mind caused Taeyong to roll his eyes, before landing on the door. For just a moment, he wondered what the man would be doing, upstairs and alone, likely trying to figure out why he felt so powerful all of a sudden. That beautiful feeling should've never been felt by a mere soul, Taeyong felt angry at the whole situation.

On one hand, Taeyong never wanted to see the man again. But truly, what other choice did he have? What would he do with him? Destroy him? He knew he didn't have it in him to do that. Not anymore. Taeyong felt as though he was now only half evil, as if all the amazingly evil attributes he had were split down the middle, and sent off to the unknown man.

Taeyong's eyes flickered between the door and the paper's before him, the thoughts behind his fire red eyes fighting for dominance. Maybe they would work better together, the halves equaling one whole? Maybe he wasn't a romantic type of soulmate, but one who would simply help Taeyong rule the underworld?

But what if he wasn't? What if the man and him never would learn to get along? Taeyong didn't even know if he could ever look at this man without resentment for ruining his life. This unknown man stole half of him, leaving him unable to tend to Hell properly, could Taeyong really forgive that?

The thoughts fought back and forth, along with the red glowing orbs that bounced between the door and the desk, before he stood abruptly. The clatter of the pen followed just a moment later, falling to the mahogany red desk below.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now