𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 11.5 - 𝙒𝙝𝙤 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝘼𝙧𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪?

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The closer I got to this unknown place, the more I felt simply powerful. I had never felt this way on Earth, it's how I imagined being on drugs would feel. Surely, something felt different. Everything felt different. I couldn't put a finger on why.

I found my way closer to the gates, immediately spotting another person. My heart nearly burst from my chest at the sight, another person. It had been so long since my passing, so long of being in an emptiness by myself, I couldn't believe my eyes. The party felt like years ago at this point.

I couldn't slow my feet from going any slower, the speed quicker than the entire trek here. Nothing could stop me, not even the fear of the unknown beyond that gate.

I stepped closer to the gate, the facial features of the man coming into view. And boy, was he beautiful. His fire red hair matched his glowing eyes, it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The rest of his features came into mind after, the angry shape of his eyes, his eyebrows pushed together, and his lips curved down on one side. He looked utterly pissed.

I hadn't even reach the man before he spoke to me, seething, "Who the hell are you?" His eyes changed color before my own dull eyes, catching me off guard, but I quickly collected myself. If I had not already been dead, I would've feared for my life in front of this strange man.

He took a step towards me, my eyes racking his body as I took in his appear; A black mesh shirt adorned his top half and revealed a slim yet strong body, black leather jeans, and combat boots on his feet. He looked stereotypically, well, mean.

I finally looked at his eyes once more, "Jaehyun. Just Jaehyun." I didn't intentionally mean to reference James Bond in a way, but something told me this man before me would have no idea who or what James Bond even is.

The sound of my voice, or the response I had given him, something ignited an even bigger fire within the stranger, I watched as he took another step before me, his hands balled into fists. Something told me to take it easy around this man, but the power and excitement in my body made it difficult to do so. I felt invincible.

And quickly, in an inhuman timeframe, I was off of the ground I walked on, my feet dangling above the ground. The man squeezed his hand around my throat, choking me. So quickly, did I feel that invincible feeling slip between my fingers. His eyes stared up at me as I struggled, the pain filling my body by his mere touch unbearable. He wasn't technically choking me, as I didn't need to breath here, but some power he possessed caused pain like I had never felt before, flow through my body like a raging river of lava. Pure, pure pain.

"Who sent you here? What powers do you possess? I know it's you!" I couldn't help the way my face twisted into confusion out of the amount of pain, but, I was more than confused. I didn't know the answers to his questions.

"N-No one? I'm n-normal?!" I shouted, the pain reaching a point I just couldn't believe I could've exceeded. And in just a moment, the red eyed man dropped me, my knees making impact with the land below me, my head cushioned by my arms as I hit the ground. I gasped for air as if it would save me, something foolish I took from my time on the Earth, as it didn't help soothe the pain at all. Not even a little bit. I quickly looked back up, and into the red eyes that stared at me from above. The most confusion I had ever felt coursed through my brain. What was going on, and who is this man?

The power within my body fueled me to rise to my feet, the pain I felt just a few moments earlier now nearly completely gone from my body. I was so, so confused, but thankful to the odd strength I felt.

Once stood again, the strange man continued to stare at me, his stance tall and strong as if he was trying to prove a point that he was far more powerful than me. I paid no mind, more confused than anything. I barely knew myself here in the afterlife, he no doubt would be more powerful than me, no matter how magically strong I felt before him.

Quickly, his hand was tightly wrapped around my wrist, and he was pulling me through the gates. I could feel the overwhelming heat as soon as I stepped inside, the metal gates closing with a loud slam. Fire surrounded a path way that led up to a beautiful castle, and more fire beyond that. As far as the eye could see was fire. The unnamed, red eyed man pulled me along the path, dangerously close to the fire. My eyes flickered around the area, completely and utter confused on what was going on. Something felt so real about this place, like a living real. Like a real world, and not afterlife real. I had so many questions. Maybe this strange man had answers.

Now wasn't the time though, and I walked behind the man as he pulled me up to the castle which was incredibly tall, and slightly scary looking. Nothing looked inviting about this place, it made my stomach flip. What could be inside this castle? Would I be tortured here for all of eternity? I didn't think I deserved to be here, but I didn't put up a fight as the man pulled me inside the heavy door.

Inside, he released my wrist, my other hand immediately finding its way to the spot he had touched me, to rub and sooth the spot as best I could. I watched red haired man lock the door behind him, before grabbing my other arm tightly, once again pulling me behind him through the unknown palace.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now