Chapter 12 - Blue Waters, Blue Eyes

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Renjun sighed, not knowing what to wear for the day. Jeno had ordered for some servants to bring a cart of clothing to their room, and they couldn't arrive any sooner. Renjun had promised to bring his best friends to a waterfall nearby to where the mortals lived, hoping to give the two some hope for their summer. He knew that Donghyuck was having a hard time, and hopefully this would help.

Jeno on the other hand worried about them getting caught up on Earth, fearing their energy would grow too weak to return if they had lost track of time. It wasn't a fear they always had, but it had caused one too many close calls. Jeno watched from their shared bed as the younger sin trailed about the room, attempting to go through their growing collection of clothes for something to wear while swimming.

"My love, I'm sure there is something to wear somewhere within this palace. That's what servants are for, so you don't stress it." Jeno joked from his spot, watching Renjun pick up random articles of clothing.

Renjun looked at the other from his spot in the room, before dropping the heap of clothing he had collected, "You're right." He stepped over the bundle of clothes in the middle of the room, walking over to their bed where he laid face down with a 'huff.' Jeno kept his eyes on Renjun, amused at his behavior.

Jeno became curious at his odd behavior, and after noting he didn't feel any uncomfortable emotions from Renjun's tied soul, he asked, "Is anything on your mind?" Renjun turned to face the other, a look of thought on his face.

"I just wish I could see my mom. We found a way to fix some of the issues with Hyuck and Jaemin, to be able to spend quality time actually doing something we'll all enjoy. But there's no fixing my mom grieving me." He paused, the silence in the room loud, "I won't ever be able to see her and hold her the same, there's no fix." Jeno laid his body besides Renjun's, his eyes never leaving Renjun's either.

"I'm sorry, Renjun. Not only do I wish your mother and you could see each other again, I wish you would grieve your death as well." Jeno thought for a moment after the words came from his mouth, realizing it could've been taken wrongly, so he clarified, "I don't mean this negatively, like it's something you have to just get over. I mean, I think you haven't came to terms fully yet. I wish your heart some healing." His words slowly found their way to coming out as whispers. His words alone made him want to cry, same with Renjun. Renjun knew he was right, there was truth in what he had said and he was the only person that could see it. Nobody could see how badly Renjun was torn between life and the afterlife like Jeno could. Jeno was the only person he had constantly at his side, it was no wonder he picked up on it.

Renjun nodded, agreeing but not speaking any words. Jeno smiled a pained smile, one of his hands rubbing up and down the length of Renjun's back to comfort him.

A knock on their door broke them from their own world, Jeno covering Renjun with the blanket before standing from their bed. He opened the door to face three servants, only one of them being familiar. He stepped to the side to allow them to enter with the rolling clothing, the rack full of different materials, styles, and articles of clothing of all different kinds.

Watching the servants enter the room, Jeno spoke to Renjun who sat up slowly from the bed, "Would you like the clothes left here, or do you need any help?"

Renjun didn't know, not in the mood to look at clothes anymore, but he knew the mortals back on Earth awaited his arrival. Renjun forced a smile at the familiar servant, Lucas, who nodded shortly.

"You can leave them here. Thank you." The three servants left the room immediately in a single file line, the last shutting the door quickly with no words. Renjun hoped he could catch Lucas in the halls one day, he seemed lovely.

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