𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 4.5 - 𝑼𝒏𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅

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I walked past the emptied bottles on the lawn of the beautiful, two story home, and into the crowd. Two other women followed behind me, excitedly gushing about some guy. Their voices were loud at first, before I had opened the door. Their voices were immediately drowned out with music, the bass shaking my soul. I thought I'd be sick the first moment I felt it, but as I moved through the crowd in the house, I regained my composure.

I didn't struggle getting through the crowd at all, my height allowing me to find the best paths. I attempted to make my way to the kitchen, where I assumed alcohol would be. As I walked through the crowds, the dancing people moved slowly as I stepped around. Some looked at me, others just moving and minding their own. I didn't mind the eyes, they wouldn't remember me and I'd never remember them either.

Once I made it to the dimly lit kitchen, I saw the hoards of alcohol choices, and mixers to go with, along with a few different types of beer. I wasn't a regular drinker, but I grabbed a few things that seemed right and confidently pour more alcohol than mix into a red solo cup. I came for this, now what?

I stood in the somewhat empty kitchen of a random person I had never met, thinking of how crazy I must be to be here alone. I took a large swig of the mixture in my cup, grimacing at the strength of it. A few people came in and out of the kitchen to retrieve their own drinks while I stood there, leaning casually against the counter as I drank the entirety of my drink in just a few minutes.

"I really didn't think I'd see you here, man." A somewhat familiar voice spoke loud enough to hear over the thumping music, causing me to look up.

Chris stood in the doorway of the kitchen, dressed in a similar outfit to my own. His messy curls sat somewhat wet on his head, maybe sweat from being in the crowd. I watched as I finished the last swallow of my drink as he made his own. The right side of his lips pointed upwards, he just seemed so happy.

I cleared my voice, preparing to speak louder than normal, "Yeah, I didn't think I'd come either." I joined him by the bottles arranged randomly, ready to pour myself another glass.

He turned to look at me, a much wider smile on his lips as he spoke, "I mean, you seem like you could use a good party, to let lose at little." He paused, watching as I pour way too many shots into a cup of nothing but ice, "Seem like you could get something out of tonight." I wanted to roll my eyes. It was nice of him inviting me, it's just that he was beyond observant. How could he have noticed all that just off a few shared classes, and spotty conversations between our art?

Nonetheless, I smiled politely, "I do.. Trust me." This response was welcomed, Chris laughing for a moment as he threw back a few chugs of his drink. Music rang loudly, the dance music clearly pleasing the crowd as shouts erupted as the song changed.

"You seem really cool, closed off sure, but interesting." Chris eyed me, the whites of his eyes pink, and his dark brown eyes searching my face. I felt nervous for a moment, forcing a chuckle as I looked emptily at my drink. He wasn't wrong in the slightest, I knew that. "There's nothing wrong with that, everyone needs to let lose once in a while!"

I took a large swallow of my drink. We leaned on the counters, Chris not in the slightest ashamed to eye me and read my emotions.

"I'm glad someone thinks so." My voice wasn't loud enough for him to hear, him crooking his head in confusion at first as he moved closer.

I repeated myself, feeling the alcohol I had chugged causing a buzz in my system. It mixed with the loud atmosphere in a delicious way. I had missed this, I couldn't lie. It reminded me of the good times in high school. Too bad all the people in those memories had betrayed me.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now