Chapter 7 - Finally Grieving

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Renjun had chills down his spine, the library doors shutting with a slam behind the demon. Jeno had already been looking at Renjun, before he looked back. Renjun's face was pale, even with the orange glow of the fireplace on him.

"What was that about?" Renjun whispered, confused. His eyes searched Jeno's face, searching for any type of expression that would explain his brother's odd, and abrupt behavior. Jeno didn't have a response though. He merely shrugged, grabbing the book he had been reading, attempting to return the atmosphere in the room back to lighthearted.

Renjun sighed, "Seriously, you don't think that was.. I don't know, random?" He grabbed the book he had been working on previously, attempting to pay attention back to it, and failing.

Jeno shrugged once again, "It was random, and a little odd. Let's not worry too hard about it." His voice was nonchalant, it irked Renjun. Let's not worry about it? Why would we not question the odd behavior?

Renjun's eyes searched Jeno, from his face to his body, down to his crossed legs and veined arms and hands which held his book in place. Jeno could feel his eyes on him, it distracted him yet he acted as though he was still fully focused on the reading. Renjun tried his hardest to focus on the text, slowly falling back into the reading. The fireplace made it easy, and a comfortable place to read at. The crackling sounds pulled him into any book that laid before him.

Renjun heard the calls first, but ignored them. Donghyuck was in his head requesting down on Earth, speaking his name over and over again. Why can't I just read my book?

Jeno's eyes flickered over to Renjun, "Is Donghyuck calling for you too?" Renjun nodded, placing his bookmark into the heavy, green book before slamming it closed.

The two of them responded to the calls, transforming onto Earth. When they had respawned, it was in the least expected of areas. Not Donghyuck's room, not his house, or even Jaemin's. Everything was green, and much brighter than Hell. With their vision still blurred, they couldn't quite see where they were until fully spawned. Donghyuck sat under a tree in an open wooded area. The specific spot he had picked, was like a field surrounded by trees. It was beautiful.

It made Renjun want to cry, the beautiful sight of Earth never failed to make him emotional. It wasn't the same as being in the palace, or in Hell, or even his best friends' bedrooms where he could hardly see out the window.

Donghyuck sat in the shade of a huge tree, his back leaning against the wood. Renjun and Jeno began to walk near him, his head down. He didn't look like his normal happy self. Jeno knew it was going to be a tough moment, he looked to his side at Renjun who stared forward at his friend. Jeno grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers, and squeezed.

"Thanks for coming, guys." Donghyuck spoke as soon as he looked up. Renjun smiled politely, hoping for Donghyuck to return one of his own, but he did not. The demons stopped under the shade, taking a look around for a moment.

"Where are we?" Renjun asked, before sitting in the grass, pulling Jeno by the hand beside him. Jeno couldn't remember the last time he had seen grass, let alone touched grass.

Donghyuck twiddled his fingers, he clearly had a lot on his mind, "I don't really know.. Somewhere in the woods down the street from our old neighborhood." Nobody said anything after, just taking in the breathtaking views.

Donghyuck was the first to speak again, "I was feeling pretty lonely, and worried. I really needed a friend." His eyes looked tired, small bags under his eyes. His tanned skin lacked the brightness that typically made him glow. Renjun could feel something off about him.

"Well we're here for you." Renjun whispered, his hand laying on Donghyuck's knee. Donghyuck stared at his friend's hand laid on his leg, his thoughts crashing around in his head.

Donghyuck nodded, acknowledging what Renjun had said. He was glad Renjun came, and Jeno too. He couldn't lie, their relationship was the perfect team. They worked better together, the perfect duo. Donghyuck was happy for his best friend, but it didn't change the pain that was still there.

"What's going on, Hyuck?" Renjun asked, his hand never leaving the other's lap. All three's expressions were the same, eyebrows furrowed with emotion.

Donghyuck sighed, turning and looking away from the two demons who sat before him, "I don't know. I've been thinking about life a lot recently." Neither Renjun nor Jeno said anything, waiting for more of the explanation to be added in, "I think a lot about how different things are going to be in a few years, and if we're still going to be just as close. And Jaemin too. Even just thinking of this upcoming summer is going to be so different without you I'm all our plans. I'm afraid of him finding a new group of friends, who are more exciting. You were the glue, Renjun." Renjun couldn't help feeling upset. It wasn't his place to be upset, he had made a decision and had to live with it. But it hurt that his friends still worried and dealt with that pain daily. Jeno could feel Renjun becoming upset, the deep pit growing in his chest. He wanted to hug him, to comfort him.

Renjun sighed a heavy breath, wishing the sadness came out of him too with the deep breath, "I'm sorry, Hyuck. I'm not going anywhere, I promise. Jaemin, you, and I will remain close, I just know it." Renjun sounded as if he was pleading with the mortal, and convince himself as well.

Donghyuck waved his hand as if to push it away, "I know. At least I hope so. I think.. I think I'm just finally grieving." Donghyuck nodded after his sentence as if he was telling himself, and that he accepted it.

Donghyuck looked at Renjun, staring into his deep, interesting eyes, "I never grieved after. Knowing that you were close by I never really grieved, right? I think knowing that this summer is going to be empty without you in some aspects is what caused it."

Renjun nodded, "I understand. And I'm sorry for that." There wasn't anything else to be said. He could only apologize over and over until he found some kind of forgiveness. Donghyuck wasn't upset at him for the decision he made, he knew that, but his life has now been flipped upside down. And that was what he could apologize for.

Jeno spoke for the first time, his eyes locked with Donghyuck's, "It's normal to grieve. Even with Renjun still in your life in some ways, other ways have been taken from you. You need to grieve that too." He said it better than either Renjun or Donghyuck could've, it shocked both of them for a moment. Renjun squeezed Jeno's hand as a form of appreciation, thanking him for helping him out.

Donghyuck chuckled a dry laugh for a moment, looking down at his lap, "You're too well spoken, Jeno." He wiped his nose with the back of his own hand as if he was attempting to hold in tears, "I'm glad you both understand where I'm coming from. I felt a little crazy before calling you here. I didn't know how to put it into sentences." Both of the demons nodded in understanding.

Donghyuck smiled at the two, a real smile, just small, "I really appreciate you guys coming here."

Renjun smiled back, patting his knee, "Can't miss it when I hear you in my head calling my name over and over." The three of them laughed for a moment, Donghyuck then changing the conversation to asking about how it sounds when someone summons us.

Jeno happily answered all his question while Renjun slipped into his own dark thoughts. Just hearing that even Donghyuck was having an incredibly hard time with his death broke his heart. Maybe he'd just have to learn to accept that he broke all the hearts of everyone he loved on Earth, something he'd just have to live with. One day, he hoped, things would change and that people would find to accept his death. To come to terms with it.

He really hoped for it.

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