Chapter 17 - Until My Feelings Changed

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Donghyuck laughed, his arm slung around the tired Jaemin, "C'mon man. It wasn't that bad!" They had just left school for the day, their sneakers hitting the concrete sidewalk as they walked to their homes. It was a hot day, summer quickly approaching and both boys couldn't wait to get to their houses.

Jaemin scoffed, "It was that bad." He rolled his eyes, shoved Donghyuck's arm from his heavy shoulders, crossing his arms in frustration, "It was so hard! I studied so much for this test and I'm worried I won't pass."

Donghyuck pouted, trying to empathize with his friend, "I'm sure you did fine.. Plus you aced the class so you're for sure going to pass either way!" His hopeful and energetic energy brightened Jaemin just slightly. Donghyuck had been on top of it lately, showing up to school ready and on time, and even studying well.

Jaemin ignored his words, "Anyways, how do you think you did? I know you've been studying a lot too.." Jaemin watched the other smile brightly, not looking even the slightest bit worried.

"I thought it was easy!" Jaemin rolled his eyes once again, annoyed that even the friend who didn't care for school felt the test was easy. Maybe he was just being hard on himself, Jaemin thought.

Jaemin eyed his friend as they quietly walked down the sidewalk, Donghyuck a step or two ahead with even an extra pep in his step. They had been testing for hours, and somehow the normally tired after school boy was now high energy, and practically bouncing with each step. It was odd for him to be so, ready. To be so energetic.

Just as Jaemin was about to question him, Donghyuck turned back to him, his hands gripping onto the straps of his book bag, "I'm gonna run home, I'm starving!" The wide smile on his face shined brightly, even making Jaemin want to smile back at him.

"Alright. I'll see you-" Before Jaemin could even finish, the other was dashing away, running down the side walk.

Donghyuck shouted as he ran, "See ya!" His form quickly disappearing from Jaemin's sight as he ran to his house.


Donghyuck quickly pressed the buttons on the video game controller in his hands, trying his hardest not to die. He sighed loudly, throwing the controller down as he was eliminated from the game. He laid his head back on the pillow, the video game sounding loudly in the background as he lounged on his bed.

Donghyuck felt, well, good. For once. He wasn't worried about his school work, he had been studying hard for his finals and only had one test left. Since having the fateful conversation with Mark, Donghyuck felt like his life was aligning. School was finishing up, he had completed all of his work, and even studied until he got everything correct. He felt energized, and ready for anything. He couldn't help but to think maybe getting the conversation off his chest was freeing, that had to be the reason for all this.

And, unbelievably Mark didn't pop into his mind as often. He studied well, slept well, and even rested well without the thought of the blue eyed demon arising. Of course, he still thought about the demon, and their intense conversation from time to time, but it was much easier to push away now.

Donghyuck sighed, a smile forming on his lips, content and comfortable. He found himself living more in the moment, more energized, and confident. He just couldn't help how great he felt, and it was really showing in his day to day life.

Donghyuck stood from his plush bed, standing before the body mirror in his room, eyeing his own half naked body. His top half was naked, just a pair of basketball shorts covering his lower half, and a pair of socks. He smiled smugly at the lines slowly forming on his flat stomach, his finger pushing hard as it ran down the center, envisioning his future abs. He flexed a few times, laughing to himself for a moment before turning back to his bed, freezing in his spot at the new figure sat on his bed.

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