Chapter 10 - Bright Blue Eyes

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Taeyong spoke powerfully, his voice alone sending a shiver though Renjun, "Mark, you know our traditions. Why did you not bring a soul?" Renjun looked away from the head of the table, towards the other end at Jaehyun who stood with a concerned expression on his own face.

Mark scoffed, "I didn't realize we were still following traditions." Renjun could feel it in his chest as Jeno grew angrier, and angrier. He knew it would only be so long that he could keep his cool, Renjun felt it. Jeno's eyes burned the most firey red color Renjun could recall seeing on him. Mark's bright blue eyes stared into Jeno's red ones.

Renjun's eyes caught Jaehyun's who locked eyes with the new Sin, before flickering over to his son's. Jaehyun could see the clear evidence of the pure anger within the sin of lust.

Jaehyun attempted to calm the situation immediately, "Of course we're still following traditions. We have one new member of our family here, that doesn't mean traditions have been broken." He paused, Taeyong finishing his thoughts from the other end of the table, "If nobody ever found their soulmates, you wouldn't even exist. Jaehyun changed my life, and created yours. Shut up, please." Renjun's eyes widened at the words spoken in front of everyone, slowly looking down the table at each one of the souls staring at him, the new member who Taeyong spoke of, before his eyes stopped on Mark.

Mark looked down at the table, his head slightly slumped to the side, but he nodded nonetheless, "You're right. Both of you are." Nothing else followed, his pride too strong to fully admit his wrongdoing, but the words were basically an apology to the heads of Hell. They were used to his prideful tendencies, as they created him to be this way. But Renjun was not.

He was on edge, and slightly upset. He was full of emotion, confused on why Mark acted this way. Jeno caught Renjun's attention as he took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger within him. Renjun knew Jeno would launch himself across the table if his brother wouldn't stop his random attack.

The room was silent for a moment, before Taeyong spoke again, "Since we're on the topic, Renjun, we all welcome you officially to the family. It's been some time now, but this is the first formal dinner since your souls were tied, so welcome." Renjun nodded at the man, turning to see Jeno's straight faced expression.

"Thank you."


The two sins of lust calmly walked through the palace, their fingers intertwined but both in deep thought. The dinner had finished, progressing to be less and less messy by the end of it. The food was delicious, Renjun hadn't had food in so long he forgot just how delicious it was. Although, Jeno barely touched any of the food. He was too deep in thought, Renjun being the only one to notice at the entire table.

Renjun was worried for his partner, he knew he was angry at the way his brother behaved, the confusion of his random behavior kept both of them busy in their own heads. Jeno just couldn't understand why Mark would behave that way, and make a fool of not only himself, but clearly trying to embarrass him.

Jeno wasn't the strongest sin, not anymore. Not since he began to share himself with Renjun. The power shift that occurred between the two left Jeno much more vulnerable, and emotional. Jeno hated it, he hated it so much that he was embarrassed of it some days. Some days he had to remember why he was weaker, a simple look to his side at Renjun normally fixing this feeling. But the act Mark had just put on, wow, did it hurt. Was he supposed to be embarrassed to have his new partner at the table? Is that what Mark wanted? Jeno just couldn't understand.

And neither could Renjun. Renjun had thought of Mark as being the sin he was closest to after Jeno, since he had a longer history than with any of the others. Mark had helped the two in their early relationship, and even pushed Renjun to officially tie his soul with Jeno, to save his brother from potential death. What had happened since?

The two reached their bedroom, entering silently. Renjun happily entered, removing his blazer before the door could even shut behind Jeno.

The older demon immediately spoke while watching the younger undress himself, "At leash it wasn't as bad as last years." The two laughed, especially Renjun who wasn't expecting the random joke. They laughed because they knew it was true.

Renjun nodded, "That is true but, this year was just.. weird. Mark's behavior shocked me. I wonder what's on his mind." His voice trailed off as he continued to unbutton each button of his shirt. So deep in thought, he looked as if he was merely fumbling with each button. Jeno stepped up to help him, their proximity so close Renjun could feel Jeno breath on his cheeks.

Jeno unbuttoned each small, black button down his front, slowly reaching the last, "Who knows? Maybe he's jealous he doesn't have his own soulmate." Jeno smiled at Renjun, the last button coming apart and revealing his smooth skin and lightly toned stomach. Chills ran over Renjun, feeling the familiar churn in his stomach. Jeno's fingers found their way to the button at the top of his pants next.

Renjun laughed at his words, "The sin of pride? Jealous? I don't think that could be." Jeno laughed with him, teasingly unzipping his pants. Their lips met soon after, the need for each other growing quicker and quicker by the second. Renjun's pants fell to the floor as they kissed, abandoned on the floor.

"I don't know, I'd be pretty jealous if I couldn't be doing this right now." Jeno whispered into Renjun's ear, pressing a kiss below his ear before a light smack landed on Renjun's bottom, a smirk rising on his lips.


"I can't believe you guys just.. live here. All the time." Donghyuck spoke quietly, his fingers trailing over many of the dusty, centuries old books that lined the grand, dark library. He took in the warm air, feeling a welcoming feeling within the library, he loved it.

Renjun rolled his eyes, sat at the same spot in the carpet he always sits at. He sat crossed at the knees, the same heavy book he had been working on recently in his lap. Donghyuck had summoned Renjun soon after the dinner, to which Renjun happily responded. Jeno laid in their shared bed, enjoying a nap when he had left. Renjun had so much to tell to Donghyuck about the dinner, but knew he had to bring him back to Hell. He wouldn't break the promise with Jeno that they needed to be together on Earth.

So here Renjun had found himself in the library with his mortal friend, Donghyuck asking so many questions and being mesmerized by everything like normal.

Donghyuck soon joined Renjun on the carpet, "So he like, embarrassed you guys at your first official dinner? That's kinda a dick move." Renjun chuckled, but nodded to his words. He turned the page in his book, before looking over to the stack of books Mark had given him, still sat on the carpet beside him.

"The dinner just keeps flashing back into my memories, he looked as if he knew he was right to do it.. It drives me insane not knowing why." Renjun paused, looking back to his mortal friend who's skin glowed in the firelight, "I can practically still see his bright blue eyes staring us down." Donghyuck's playful smile immediately fell, slowly slipping from his face as the memory from the forest flashed in his mind, the glowing blue eyes that caught his attention. It couldn't be the same, could it?

A sound from the doors broke both boys out of the conversation, Donghyuck jumping as they turned to look at the two heavy doors. The handle shook still from the recent movement of the doors, Renjun expecting to see someone walk in but nobody entered.

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