Chapter 18 - Soulmate?

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Donghyuck gulped as Mark stepped closer to him, but he didn't speak. He didn't move anymore, just stood there, waiting for anything to come out of Donghyuck's perfectly made lips. And of course, Donghyuck didn't know what to say. It had all happened so fast, he didn't know what to think.

He didn't need to speak once again as Mark did all the talking, "Let me ask you just one thing, Donghyuck." This time, his name sounded like butter coming from Mark, Donghyuck loved it. He wasn't sure why, but he did. He would never, ever, admit that out loud though. Donghyuck nodded shortly for Mark to continue with the question, taking a step back out of nervousness.

"How do you feel.. right now?" The words were once again slow, as if he thought about each word he spoke. As if each word held an unbelievable amount of importance, and he meticulously chose each word.

Donghyuck tilted his head, thinking about the question he was asked. How do you feel right now? Donghyuck didn't exactly know. Before Mark had appeared, he felt like he was on top of the world, and now he's confused, and full of unanswered questions and flooded with answers he was sure he'd never get.

Donghyuck sighed, pushing out air from between his lips before his eyes landed back to Mark, "I don't know. I've felt good recently. No-"

Once again he was cut off, "How good? Why have you felt good? How so?" Mark's jaw clenched repeatedly, his eyes burning a hole through Donghyuck, "Be specific." His tone was harsh, like he was pushing for answers he already knew. It scared Donghyuck, he was fearful of the unknown and Mark's tone was enough to tell him the demon knew something he didn't.

The human shrugged, "I've been energized, and organized." He thought for a moment, "I guess, just confident I can do.." Donghyuck trailed off at he search for the perfect word to describe his feelings, simply just trying to answer the odd question.

"..Anything?" Mark filled the end of the sentence for him. Donghyuck stared at him, nodding slowly to confirm he was correct, and watching as the demon ran a hand through his hair and his tongue darted between his lips.

Mark didn't say anything, Donghyuck not sure what to say, an uncomfortable smile creeping up onto his face, "Can you tell me why you ask?" Mark didn't respond immediately, his eyes blinking over and over, "I-It's kinda weird to randomly ask t-that. What's going on?" Donghyuck was growing nervous, the way the typically strong demon appeared before him was unlike what he had known him as.

Mark smiled, as if it was painful for him to do so, nodding his head, "Donghyuck, I think you're my soulmate." The room was silent, the uncomfortable smile on Donghyuck's face slowly slipping away with each one of Mark's slowly chosen words, before it really sunk in. Soulmate? There had to be a mistake.

Donghyuck laughed, a real good laugh with a wide smile on his face, Mark never once joining him. He just watched the way the human laughed, eventually clutching his bare, tanned side as he laughed. The muscles of his stomach slowly became more and more apparent the harder he laughed, Mark clenched his jaw at his behavior.

".. No.. Way.." Donghyuck continued to laugh, Mark's tongue poking into his cheek as he attempted to bite down on his tongue, and keep from saying something he'd regret. The feeling of being laughed at was like no other, something he couldn't recall ever happening to him before. At least, before it never hurt to be laughed at. But coming from Donghyuck was like a fire in Mark's eyes.

"It's not funny. I'm serious." Mark spoke between his teeth, the human quickly stopping, the smile falling, "My powers are slipping. They have been from the moment you left my bedroom after we talked. It's the same thing that happened to Taeyong when Jaehyun came to Hell, it's the same thing that happened to Jeno with Renjun." The panic in the demon's voice as he explained was loud, waking Donghyuck to the reality of the situation. His eyes widened as he listened to Mark's nervous explanation, the mention of his best friend's famous situation getting the point across clearly to the human.

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