𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 22.5 - 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙃𝙤𝙢𝙚

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Life in Hell was quickly settling into place. Taeyong and I didn't hold back our love of each other any longer, and let the emotions run freely. We grew closer quickly, from a crush to more than a crush. I liked him. I liked him a lot. Weeks passed by and with each passing day, I fell more in love with the man.

We focused more on work as the servants came in and began their own work. It gave us time to focus on each other, and then endless amounts of things that we needed resolved within Hell, but mostly on each other. Work wasn't truly work, not with the man you love. Or at least were beginning to love.

Servants were the smartest decision ever made, some running us baths after long days, cleaning our rooms, and organizing our papers after each long day in the study. Some even cooked for me, as I loved to indulge in sweets.

We had even more time to each other at the ends of the days, to sit within Taeyong's room on the couches and talk like we couldn't get enough of each other. We really couldn't.

Everything that came from the red haired man was music to my ears, a happy smile on my lips, or my chest aching. We slowly became more comfortable talking of the more serious topics, until today, when we landed on the topic of my family back on Earth.

"Do you think about your parents often? Your family?" I looked at my hands, immediately beginning to pick at the skin around my nails. The thought alone of his question was enough to hurt, but thinking about it hurt even more.

"Not really." I told him, "My parents were homophobic, and they hated me, as I've told you. I didn't have contact with distant family, so no. Nobody mattered to me, and I don't think of them." Taeyong nodded, his lips pressed in a tight line as he listened to the heartbreaking words.

"Well, do you think they think of you often?" Taeyong asked, flipping the question around.

I smiled, "Hopefully. It's evil, I know but, I wish they think of me often. I hope they struggle, and I hope they know they're the reason they've lost their son. I-It's so mean, but I want them to suffer too. To slowly suffer the thought that they'll never see me again because of their own terrible choices."

Taeyong smiled along with me, "I don't think that's evil. I think anyone who suffered what you did would react that way."

I chuckled as I thought about his words honestly, before snorting, "Of course you think that, you're Satan after all." We laughed for a few moments together, before finally settling quietly into the couch again.

We sat quietly together, neither of us saying much afterwards. It was a comfortable silence, as it normally was. Being with him was easy, I didn't think about how awkward the silence was, or what he would say next. I didn't worry of the small things like I did back on Earth. During my life, I would struggle over the idea of awkward situations, and let the anxiety eat me to pieces. Oh, how I have changed.

Or maybe I hadn't changed. Maybe it wasn't me, but my environment, and the people I was surrounded by. With Taeyong, here in a palace on our own, it was like heaven.

Suddenly Taeyong stood from his spot, a wide smile growing on his face. He quickly stepped away from his spot, and towards a bookcase nearby. I watched him in confusion, wondering why he wanted to read so suddenly.

"I don't know why I never thought to do this sooner. Maybe it's a good thing." He randomly spoke, and I questioned if he was merely talking to himself, or to me. I couldn't quite tell.

"W-What are you talking about?" I chuckled as I neared the end of my question, my eyes watching the way his slim finger ran along the spines of the books, searching for the exact one he had in mind. He didn't answer immediately, finding the book and pulling it out, and starting to flip through the pages.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now