Chapter 4 - Sleepless

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It wasn't too often that Renjun couldn't sleep. He loved to sleep. Even before he entered the afterlife, Renjun couldn't get enough of a quick nap, or two if he could get away with it. Here in the afterlife, sleeping wasn't necessary, after all, they were dead. But, nothing was like dreaming, and he was lucky to do so.

Renjun huffed, the silky sheets that flowed across his body slipping off. The room was nearly pitch black, all the candles and lights had been off, except for one candle on the far of the room. It was cozy, and the silent castle was the perfect setting for a great rest. Renjun turned his head, looking at his partner to his side. Jeno faced him, his expression calm as he slept. It wasn't something the young demon saw too often, but when he did, he couldn't help the way his heart swelled, and his lips curled to a smile. Just watching the boy he loved be at peace was enough to pull on his heartstrings. Oh, how he loved him.

Who would've thought that the same Renjun that was beyond desperate to save his mother, sat on the floor of his living room on a rainy day, would lead to him in this exact moment. Maybe because he wasn't the same Renjun. The heartbreak and fear he faced for all those months taught him so many lessons, there was no way he could come out the same, innocent boy. He wasn't the same Renjun from back then.

Renjun couldn't keep his eyes off his demon across the bed from him, pushing his leg to intertwine with Jeno's. His skin was hot to the touch, reminding him even more so where he was, and with who.

Hell was slowly turning into his home, but realistically wherever Jeno was would be home to him. It was stupidly cheesy, he wanted to roll his eyes and tear up at the same time. But it was all true.

Renjun turned his head, his eyes roaming the stone ceiling before he got the motivation to get out of bed. A little solo exploring of the castle couldn't hurt anybody.

He stretched his legs as he stood from the bed, dressing himself quickly in a pair of comfortable black sweats. He wasn't sure who they belonged to, likely Jeno, but it didn't matter. He went without a shirt, before quietly leaving their shared bedroom with one last look at the heavily asleep Jeno.

The hall was just as dim as always, hardly any artificial lights on, mostly lit by candlelight. It was a warm hum which Renjun had grown to love. Not a single soul or demon roamed the halls, even after taking a few turns.

Renjun found his way to the grand dining room, the plush, blood red carpet between his toes. The room itself reminded Renjun of the embarrassing moment Jeno had said his name in front of all of the Sins, and Taeyong for the first time. It made Renjun smile uncomfortably as he thought about it, his hand flying up to rub his temple.

"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice shocked Renjun, his body jumping for a moment and his hand flying up to hold his chest. Mark stood at the doors Renjun had just came through, the same attire he normally wears on.

Renjun breathed deeply as he collected himself, "If my heart was still beating, I would've just had a heart attack." He paused, chuckling for a second but Mark didn't mirror it, "I couldn't sleep. Figured I'd get out and do some walking." Renjun wasn't close with Mark, they rarely spoke, and even more rarely spoke alone without Jeno around. Renjun couldn't help the way his voice hushed the more he spoke to him.

Renjun couldn't forget the fact that Jeno was nearly positive that Mark had been watching them just the other day, but he didn't say anything. Jeno had done all the talking already, and he didn't even know how to bring it up.

Mark didn't respond, just making his way to one of the chairs at the dining table and taking a seat. Renjun watched him with careful eyes, unsure if he should sit with the demon, or walk away.

"Who were those people you had in the castle?" The question caught Renjun off guard, almost knocking him off his feet. Mark's voice was quiet in the large room, his head thrown back with his eyes shut, as if he was supposed to be relaxing. Renjun's fingers twiddled together, his nervous tendencies coming to light, but thankfully, Mark had his eyes shut.

Renjun stuttered as he looked around the room, "They are my closest friends from Earth." He didn't want to go into details, it likely wasn't what Mark was looking for. He wouldn't be interested in hearing his life story anyways.

Mark hummed as a response, but didn't speak immediately. Renjun was so nervous, but what for? He had spoken to and seen Mark in some of his own most vulnerable moments, he'd seen it all.

"Are they going to be coming around more often?" He questioned, Renjun just quirking an eyebrow.

Renjun took a few steps closer to the table, "I'm not sure, why?" Once again Mark didn't respond. Renjun didn't like the slow responses from him, he was already so on edge just being in his presence. A few moments passed with no response, but Renjun had no issue filling the room with a yawn.

"Guess I'm off to bed. I'll see you, Mark." Renjun spoke, his voice hardly bouncing off the walls of the room. It was just loud enough for Mark to hear. Renjun took one last look at the other who continued to sit with his eyes closed and head leaning against the tall, grand dining chairs.

He walked through the door, making sure to close the heavy door which made more noise than he was comfortable making. After getting hearing distance away, Renjun dashed to his and Jeno's room, he couldn't get their fast enough. He didn't even slow as he opened the door, waking Jeno as he entered the room and slammed the door behind.

Jeno looked shocked, and confused. His hair stood on its own, pointed in different directions from his deep sleep.

"What's going on?" Renjun eyes softened at the sight of him, and decided to wait until morning to share the conversation he had with Mark, he could see the sleep still written all over Jeno's expression. Now just wasn't the time.

"We'll talk in the morning. It's nothing important." And Jeno believed him. He patted the space on the bed where Renjun had been missing, calling him to cuddle with just his eyes. Renjun couldn't help himself when Jeno looked like that. His heart was just so full of love to say no.

Renjun removed the sweatpants from his lower half before crawling into bed, Jeno's strong arms immediately wrapping around his frame.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now