Chapter 8 - Peeping Eyes

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Donghyuck felt a million and one times better just talking to Renjun and Jeno. A simple reminder that he wasn't actually alone, that he and Jaemin could actually see him whenever they wanted would suffice. Life goes on, things change. Who knows, maybe this upcoming summer would've been incredibly different either way. All three were adults now, they didn't partake in such childish things too often anymore and it would be likely that most of the summer Renjun would be with Jeno, whether he was alive on Earth or in Hell.

Jeno was a good friend, Donghyuck decided. He had all the answers to anything he could think to ask, answering with a smile on his face. It was hard to believe he was a demon, based off the way his eyes and lips smiled and his open answers flowed from him so easily. Renjun popped in and out of the conversation where his outsider opinion of Hell was needed, a smile that matched Jeno's easily slipping onto his own lips. Their eyes caught each other's so easily, Donghyuck wasn't even disgusted at the sight of the two demons so deeply in love, even when they were so deeply engaged in a conversation in their own little world.

It was when the two red eyed demons were in a conversation, eyes locked to each other as they laughed and giggled about something from Hell, when Donghyuck saw him.

He stood far off, hidden quite well, he couldn't lie. He was on the other side of the opened field of the woods, two or three trees back. It was his eyes that caught Donghyuck's attention from across the way, the prettiest blue eyes he'd ever seen shined from the dark forest. They poked out behind a tree, immediately Donghyuck recognized the bright tone as matching the beautifully bright red of his friends' marvelous eyes. At first, the peeping figure frightened Donghyuck, his eyes locking with the figure for just a moment, before the man disappeared, slowly fading away from sight as he spawned away. As soon as the man was gone, Donghyuck felt like he was finally free to breathe deeply.

Jeno noticed the mortal during his conversation with Renjun, immediately noticing that his lips didn't shine the same smile, and he looked as if he was watching something, or completely zoned out. Renjun quickly snapped his fingers, bringing the mortal back to them.

Renjun laughed, "You good there, Hyuck?" Donghyuck smiled. A real wide, pretty smile.

"Just fine."


Renjun and Jeno brought back the mortal to his bedroom, rain moving into the area threatening to ruin their fun. They had a few more good laughs back in Donghyuck's childhood bedroom, before the two demons called it a day. Donghyuck was sad to see them go, but more interested in processing what he had seen in the forest on his own.

"Alright, just call either one of us whenever, okay?" Renjun questioned, he seemed worried about the mortal, wanting to remind him once more that he really is just a quick name call away. The worry Renjun felt for his mortal, living friends grew by the day, and Jeno could feel the pain in his own chest from his partner's upset.

Donghyuck waved the two away, feeling much better but still appreciating Renjun. The two demons slowly disappeared from the room, Donghyuck instantly wondering if he made the right choice in keeping the sighting of the mysterious figure from his friends. He wondered if it was someone they knew, or maybe it was someone they would be an enemy to. Although, Renjun never mentioned any type of enemy.

Donghyuck tried his hardest to push this stranger to the back of his mind, but the piercing colored eyes glowed in his mind no matter what he found himself doing, and no matter how hard he attempted to push it from his mind. Even when he attempted to sleep that night, as soon as his eyes shut, he could see the beautiful blue eyes shining.


When Renjun had returned to their bedroom in Hell, Jeno excused himself almost immediately as his father had summoned him. Renjun kissed the older demon goodbye before deciding to lay in their comfortable bed and daydream.

The sound of the bedroom door closed, and immediately Renjun began to peel the warm black jeans from his body. He needed it on Earth as he couldn't handle the cold like Jeno just yet, but in Hell he could easily handle the warmth. Once in just his underwear, Renjun climbed atop the large bed, a sigh escaping his lips as his head hit the pillows.

Renjun let his mind wander as he thought of their conversations with Donghyuck, loving the memories he now had of his lover and his best friend joking and laughing. Renjun could hardly believe the same demon he and Donghyuck talked about at the diner all that time ago was now his. They were each other's. It was beautiful.

The smile at these memories soon fell from his lips as the conversation they recently had came to mind, how Donghyuck had admitted to himself and the two demons that he was in fact finally grieving. It was hard for Renjun. He knew he was to blame for it, even if it was the best choice he could've made. Maybe it wasn't.

Renjun let his mind wander over the possibilities of what could've happened had he stayed human, and the dangers both he and Jeno would've been in constantly. Could've Renjun lived with possibly killing his demon partner accidentally, or growing old as a human while Jeno remained the same youthful demon? It was a tough, and unfortunate decision. Jeno was the most important person in his life, and would only continue to grow with time. Just like what had gotten him in the position, that fateful evening that Renjun had decided he would sell his soul to save his mother. Renjun couldn't help but to sacrifice himself to save the ones he loved.

Renjun felt a tear slip down his cheek, shocking him for a moment at the feeling. It wasn't too often he cried, but he felt overcome with emotions. Just thinking of his lost human life brought on what could've been his and his mother's new life, cancer-free. Renjun wondered if he'd have gotten along with her new partner, soon to be husband. He was sure he would have. Renjun let the tears fall, no sobs or cries coming from him, just tears.

It was just a moment before Jeno returned, the door opening with a squeak. Jeno didn't have to ask his partner why he seemed so upset, or why he cried. He could feel Renjun's pain in his own heart. He already knew before he entered the room.

"My love, tell me what's on your mind?" Jeno spoke, his voice comforting and almost causing Renjun to cry more. Jeno joined the other on the bed, but didn't cuddle him, or comfort him. Renjun turned on his side to face Jeno, their beautiful eyes locking. They stared at each other, reading each other's expressions before either spoke.

Renjun forced out a strained chuckle, realizing how he sounded, "I was just thinking about how I put everyone in painful positions. I wondered what it would be like to still be human." He paused, wiping the tears, "Again. Like I always am." Jeno nodded, understanding him completely.

"Does crying help?" Jeno asked, his expression never changing, but his hand rested comforting on Renjun's still one atop the comforter.

Renjun shook his head after a moment of thought, "Not really. It doesn't fix anything. I just hope it'll make me feel better, I can't help it." Once again, Jeno nodded silently as he listened to the other.

Jeno and Renjun sat in a comfortable silence as they were caught in their own thoughts for a moment before Jeno broke the silence, "So why do we cry if it isn't solving our pain?" Renjun didn't have an answer for him, he didn't know himself. Jeno didn't expect an answer from him either way, the two slowly coming closer and closer until they cuddled, a supportive hand finding it's way to Renjun's back, Jeno knowing exactly what would comfort the other. Jeno had learned what was more comforting to the human turned Sin, fixing the embarrassing tendencies of attempting to sexually please the other as a way to help him in emotional times.

Jeno spoke again after quite a few minutes passed, "The annual dinner is tonight, by the way. We're expected there. Our first since becoming partners." Jeno's voice sounded full of excitement for it, Renjun's interest peaking. The exact opposite of his attitude from the event the year prior was shocking for the new Sin.

"When?" Renjun's voice came out as a whisper as they continued their comfortable cuddle.

Jeno smiled into the younger Sin's hair as he held him closely, "In about 15 minutes."

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now