𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 17.5 - 𝙏𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙣

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I wasn't sure how to feel, the news all being so much for me. One second I was tired, and falling unconscious, and the next I was awake with a crying man laid across my chest.

I wasn't mad, I knew that much. The way the stranger had explained himself, and the clear evidence of the feelings he was going through was enough for me. But still, so much was a blur, and so confusing.

"W-What's your name?" I asked, my eyes curiously searching the man's face. He didn't appear like the same person, the last expression of anger I had seen him adorning was now showing off one of the most handsome men I had ever laid his eyes on, like a real life piece of art. The man's eyes were red around the brim, as if he hadn't slept in days, or if he'd been crying for years, or maybe both. He looked beautiful, just tired.

His perfectly pink lips matched the pink tip of his nose, I watched the way they moved to form his name, "It's Taeyong." Taeyong. What a pretty name. It was shocking that such an angry man was the same man before me, but I tried his hardest to be comfortable, to try to be understanding of his confusing emotions.

Taeyong stepped back, the space between us growing, "I should properly introduce myself. I'm Taeyong, leader of the underworld. I'm what you may know me as Satan." I nodded, watching as he closed the book at his side, before slowly standing. I didn't know what to say, should I introduce myself as well?

"I-I'm Jaehyun. Just Jaehyun. Nothing special." My voice was quiet, careful. His eyes seemed as if they were captivated by me when I spoke, as if anything that came from me would be treasured by him. I liked the way he looked at me.

He smiled, not a real smile, just his lips curling up slightly. But it felt good, comforting in a way. I smiled too.

He reached a hand down to me, offering me some help to stand from the plush carpet beneath us, "Let me show you to your living quarters." I carefully took his hand, shocked at the softness of his palm as he pulled me up to my feet, my head spinning for a moment. I gathered myself from the head rush while he picked up the books from the floor and sent them on a nearby table, his eyes occasionally flickering to me.

He stopped beside me, "Well, let's head out of here." I nodded, following him from the familiar library, and into the halls. Memories of our first time meeting flashed into my mind, reminding me of the way he grabbed my wrist and forced me to the room. I wondered what had changed, and why he cared so suddenly, but I couldn't complain. This treatment was beyond better. Maybe I would find out soon.

We walked at a slow pace, Taeyong checking behind himself occasionally to make sure I was keeping up, "You can shower, or rest, whatever you'd like once you settle in. I can even make you food if you like to eat." My eyes widened, somewhat surprised at how nice he was being. What had changed so much that he treated me like this?

We headed up only one flight up stairs and headed into an opposite wing of the castle than where we had gone the first time. He stopped at door for just a moment before continuing, "This is your living quarters. You can settle in and what not. My room is just three doors down. Join me whenever you're comfortable." Taeyong didn't wait for a response, turning and walking down the hall to the mentioned door, turning and disappearing from sight.

I let my hand open the door, stepping into the dark room. Candles flickered in the room, a large bedroom with it's own sitting area, like a living room. It was clear the room was unused, likely untouched for god knows how long. Cobwebs covered the corners where the walls connected and touched the ceiling, but besides this, the room was surprisingly cozy.

A fireplace much smaller than the grand one in the library sat in the room, already lit and burning a warm fire. I moved over to the small sitting area, sitting on the couch closest to the fire. The warmth felt like heaven on my skin, and the crackle could've pulled me to sleep. I let my eyes roam the spacious room once again, noticing the open door to the bathroom as well. A shower sounded so unbelievably amazing, my legs carried to to the open door immediately, closing the door behind me to begin my first shower of my afterlife.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now