𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 19.5 - 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙀𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮

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I woke up peacefully, my eyes slowly cracking open to take in my surroundings. I was no longer sat on the couch, but now sprawled across Taeyong's bed. The fireplace still crackled and glowed, casting a beautiful light across the empty room.

I thought about how I must've gotten to the bed, knowing it had to have been none other than Taeyong. I sat on the bed for a few moments, slightly shocked at the change, but thankful nonetheless.

I slowly moved my legs over the side of the bed, sitting up to look around the room. I noticed my shoes were now removed, sitting together by the side of the bed. I quickly put them on, wondering why Taeyong had done that. It was a very nice thing, I was thankful.

I stood from the bed and made my way to the door, entering the hall quietly. I shut the door behind me, staring down each end of the hall way. I didn't know where to go, or where Taeyong may be at. So, I made my way down to the right, passing my living quarters and continuing on. The halls all looked the exact same, I was worried about getting lost, but what else would I do with my time?

It was weird knowing nothing else was coming. There wasn't anything I had to do, unlike living. Back on Earth, I was expected to do so many things to be deemed a normal, functioning human. And here, well there was nothing. If I got lost in this castle today, so be it. If I decided I wanted to sleep all day, I could do just that. There wasn't rules, and I liked that.

In some ways, it could be slightly depressing. Knowing that nothing else was coming was great, but sad at the same time. What else could there be to the afterlife? Why was the afterlife even here? And what is my purpose?

I was broken from my thoughts as I rounded a corner in the hall, my eyes locking with a disheveled looked Taeyong. Ahh. There is was. The answer to my questions. A purpose.

"Jaehyun! Glad to see you're awake. I'm sorry to ask you of this so early, you've barely been my partner for two days and I'm already needing your help.." He ran his hand through his messy hair, his eyes desperate and appearing tired. My heart went out to him, he genuinely appeared like he needed help.

"What is it?" I asked, taking the last few steps to him.

He sighed, looking nearly defeated with his shoulders slumped forward, "I need help with some laws I need to sign and some demons requesting some approvals. I-I can't get my head straight." He stuttered, his eyes rapidly blinding as if he needed some rest.

The memories of the conversation we had last before I had fallen to sleep flashed in my mind, reminding me of how Taeyong explained he couldn't make the right decisions for Hell on his own anymore, that we're now a team, and together one whole. I quickly nodded, agreeing to help him make the best decisions.

In a way, I pitied him. He clearly was struggling with the change, all because I was sucking half of his powers from him. I knew truly it wasn't my fault entirely, but I couldn't help to feel like I was.

He tried his best to smile, signaling for me to follow him into the room behind him, and to the desk he was sat at previously. It wasn't a large room, big enough for the grand desk and a fireplace to sit, along with a full bookcase and two guest chairs for any demons to sit at while they visited to make requests. Taeyong quickly lifted one of these chairs to the side of his desk, sitting it right beside his own.

"Let's begin. I'll walk you through it, and you just tell me what you think of each."


"And if I want to eat, I can. But if I don't want to eat, I don't have to?" I chuckled, the work for the day finally finished. Turns out, the evil Taeyong had lost was definitely found within me. Making decisions for Hell turned out to be much easier than I thought, especially with Taeyong to guide me in the right direction, and to explain the complicated things about Hell. Soon after signing the last sheet of paper granting a demon to occupy an old castle on Earth, Taeyong and I couldn't help but to discuss more. Talking to him was become easy, as easy as breathing was on Earth.

Taeyong laughed, "Exactly. You don't need to do it to survive. Just for indulging because you can. Or as we call it in Hell, being a glutton." His bright smile lighten the room, his handsome expression causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I tried to push it away as much as possible, how ridiculous it is to fall for someone this early.

I shook my head in disbelief, laughing along with him, "I think I'm going to have to enjoy myself in the kitchen soon then. As long as I can't gain weight in the afterlife.." I laughed, but still eyed him hoping it was right although it was a joke.

He nodded, "That is true. Even if you could gain weight, I think that would be fine." He laughed at this, and I tried my hardest to chuckle along, but the words left a lasting stain on my mind. I secretly hoped he meant it, that he thought I was attractive enough no matter what I looked like. I didn't know why I wanted him to feel this way, but once he said it, I couldn't help myself from feeling like I was floating. God, did I want him to want me.

Taeyong giggled to himself from time to time, leaning back into his chair as we slipped into our own thoughts, neither saying anything.

I let my eyes happily wander around the room, occasionally jumping to the man at my side and letting my eyes drink him in, before looking away. I did it multiple times, never getting caught, until I looked at his face, which this time looked back at me. His piercing red eyes looked just as beautiful as they did the first day we met. I would never get over them, or the way I also now had the same colored eyes.

Our eyes never left each other, locked on one another with no intention of looking away. My stomach churned at this, the nerves battling within me. The Taeyong that sat before me once again reminded me that he wasn't the same person I knew who left me in that dark room, or the one who yelled at me without even knowing me at the front gates. It was a different person, and one I had found to forgive. He saved my life, and I would forever be grateful.

He slowly sat up, our eyes still on each other, just now closer. The air was tense, but still comfortable. I couldn't remember a time I had ever felt so comfortable with another person, not in a very long time, at the least.

The fireplace crackled, the orange glow in his eyes reflecting the fire just behind my back, his lips parted and perfectly pink. He looked ethereal.

Our faces were now creeping closer, and closer, and my heart dropped. I knew what was coming, or at least hoped I did. I wanted him to want me, to accept me as his partner in Hell. He had already told me such, his kind words from when I finally came to flashing in my mind as my heart beat picked up. 'You're mine now. For all of eternity.' At the time, the weight of his words were heavy, but they didn't mean much just yet. When my eyes reopened to the once terrifyingly evil man crying over my once unconscious body, I didn't know this moment would follow. And even at this current moment, I couldn't tell what the future would hold.

If there was anything I had learned during my short, painful life, and my journey from death to Hell, was that things change in split second. Any moment, life as I know it can be taken, and ripped into shreds, then mended back together again.

I hoped this moment was my life mending together. I didn't know what was coming for my life, or for our relationship that the universe says was meant to be. But at the very least, I knew it could change at any given second.

And it did, when his lips finally landed on mine.

Hell Is Better With 𝒀𝒐𝒖 - Sequel to Welcome To HellWhere stories live. Discover now