Chapter 6 - Summer Nights

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Donghyuck was a sucker and he knew it.

Renjun had been his best friend since childhood, their relationship dwindling here and there as they grew up, but they always found their way back to each other. The last days of the joyful school year, hot summer days riding their bikes until the streetlights turned on, sticky popsicles from the ice cream truck, and of course, all the dirt and mess they found themselves in. Summers were always filled with Renjun. Then, as they grew older, Jaemin came into the mix. Summer night pool parties of just the three, sneaking out of the house when they were strictly forbidden, and sleepovers where they watched their first few horror movies.

Donghyuck huffed, his hands laid on his forehead. He knew he had to get of bed and start his day, he'd be late if not. Summer was so close, it was basically calling for him. He just had to make it the few weeks until finals, and then he'd be done. Graduation was just three and a half weeks away. The half made a difference.

He and Jaemin had discussed it before, the worry for summer. It was going to be different, besides from the fact that it was their last summer before their adult lives began, but for the fact that it would be their first without Renjun here with them. He wasn't far away, just a few quick name calls out loud and he'd be in the same room, but it wasn't the same. We couldn't relax by the pool together, or go out to eat in front of others. They couldn't risk someone recognizing the dead boy in public. All the amazing things they had the privilege of doing in the past was gone.

Donghyuck pulled himself up into a sitting position, looking around his messy room, before standing and getting ready for his day. Renjun didn't leave his mind though. A few minutes couldn't hurt, right?

"Renjun. I need you here right now." He spoke, walking over to his closet to get his outfit ready. He looked around for a few seconds, nothing in his closet standing out to him immediately, "Renjun. Renjun. Renjun. Wake up."

Just a moment later, while putting on his jeans for the day, the requested demon spawned into the room, slowly appearing before the human. Before he could finish spawning he began his attack.

"What the hell do you want?" His eyes were bright red, his hair a mess. Donghyuck didn't mind, he can sleep in his big, lush bed forever if he wanted to, a few minutes won't kill him.

Donghyuck stood from his bed, bending down to straighten his pant legs, "I just missed you. Where's Jeno?" Renjun shrugged. "I thought you guys wouldn't come here alone anymore, after the incident?"

Renjun rolled his eyes, "You interrupted us." He walked over to the boy's bed, before throwing himself down on his back. Donghyuck stood, wide eyed as he watched the demon.

"Oh, god.. I thought your hair was a mess from.. from sleepi-" Donghyuck didn't finish his sentence. And neither did Renjun. Renjun simply smiled, he looked nearly evil with his glowing, red eyes.

"You should know by now, the redder my eyes are I'm either angry or horny." A smirk on his lips, before crossing his arms behind his head, Renjun chuckled.

Donghyuck fake gagged, grabbing a plain white shirt to wear, before pulling it on, "I regret it."

Renjun sat up quickly, "You regret it? Shall I be on my way then?" His eyes glimmered with hope for a moment. Donghyuck pushed him by his chest as a way to shut him up, him leaning back into the position he was previously. Renjun laughed.

"How much longer of school is there?" Renjun asked while watching Donghyuck pull out a pair of socks and his shoes. He sat on the edge of the bed by Renjun.

The mortal sighed, "A few more weeks. I've got one week till finals begin." Renjun merely hummed, nodding his head in acknowledgement. He wouldn't say it to him, but he was so glad he wouldn't have to be in classes for the next few weeks like his other two friends.

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