Chapter 20 - His Kryptonite

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The door to the room opened with a slam, two familiar faces stood on the other side. Renjun and Donghyuck jumped at the sudden sound, pulled from their conversation to the two men in the door way. Jeno stood with his eyes wide and his hands holding the door frame, and Mark stood expressionless just behind him.

"Mark is your soulmate?!" Jeno exclaimed, the loudest the human had ever heard the typically level volumed demon. Jeno marched into the room, standing before the two who still sat perched on the edge of the bed.

Donghyuck smiled, feeling much better after have the long conversation he and Renjun had. They talked for a while, some about Donghyuck's new soulmate, and some about Renjun's longing for his mother. Renjun would forever be his best friend, but the long embrace and caring words would change Donghyuck's life, and Renjun didn't even know it yet.

Donghyuck giggled as he looked up at Jeno, "I guess so.."

Mark scoffed from the doorway, leaning against the entrance as he took in the scene before him, "Don't say it like you're not the luckiest man in existence." He raised an eyebrow at the human, before a small smile broke on his lips. It wasn't something Donghyuck could recall seeing on him, a real, beautiful smile. But here, he shined it proudly, like he wasn't ashamed of it.

Jeno rolled his eyes, "Okay, Pride. Don't get too worked up." The two on the bed laughed at this, Jeno slowly joining in.

Jeno and Mark began to banter, some loud laughing coming from them, before Renjun turned to Donghyuck, "You should go spend some time alone with him. Get to know each other." Renjun winked, one of his stunning red eyes disappearing for a moment and a smirk rising on his face. Donghyuck chuckled uncomfortably.

He spoke in a hushed tone to not draw attention from the distracted brothers, "It's not like that. We are only civil with each other now because we have to. We barely know each other."

Renjun immediately dropped his smile, rolling his eyes, "That's a great excuse. According to the universe, you're meant to be so, better get on with getting to know each other more. I can't wait to find out if it's platonic or not."

Donghyuck sighed, the two looking back at the brothers horsing around, "I guess I should. It might make this period easier for us both." Renjun nodded, agreeing, "And for the record, I bet it'll be platonic."

Once the two brothers had finished, Renjun spoke up, "Mark, why don't you show Donghyuck around the palace? He hasn't seen much."

Jeno tagged in quickly, before his brother could protest, "And introduce him to everyone! Nobody knows you found your soulmate yet, this is exciting!" Mark didn't say much, nodding silently. Donghyuck stood from the bed, turning to give his best friend one last hug before he followed Mark from the familiar bedroom, and into the hall.

Once the door closed behind the two, Renjun sighed, looking over to Jeno who was already staring back at him.

"It's weird right? Donghyuck with Mark?" Renjun asked, his nose scrunching up as he thought about it. The combination wasn't so bad, they were both beyond bold, and would bring out greatness within each other, Donghyuck didn't doubt this. He just couldn't believe his best friend would be finding his way into his family in the afterlife. Who would've thought?

Jeno hummed in agreement, joining Renjun on the bed, "It is. But according to Mark, he's like his kryptonite. What human runs straight at a demon?" Jeno chuckled, wrapping an arm around the smaller frame of Renjun. Jeno's words hung in the air as Renjun thought about it. Mark must be so much more in tune with his feelings than Donghyuck. Time moves so slowly here, and all he thought about for so long was his diminishing powers, and the bright human who stood up to him. Renjun smiled at the thought, Mark was probably already in love with Donghyuck with how much time had passed. Renjun would never tell Donghyuck that, though. It wasn't his place.

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