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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the cold space next to me, how empty the bed seemed without him next to me. That and the glaring sunlight which was now shining in my eyes. I tried to avoid it by hiding my head under the covers but as I started to drift off once again, banging from downstairs made me decide it was time to get out of bed. So I forced myself to get up while at the same time grumbling and yawning as I made my way to the bathroom. And after that I headed downstairs to see what all the noise was about.

Ken was downstairs in the kitchen cooking and mumbling to himself seemly lost in his own little world. I envied him so much for that. I wished that I could be the same way, that I could let go of everything inside of me just to be free. But I also knew it was never that easy and everyone had things that they all dealt with in their own way. Part of me wondered what Ken was hiding from everyone. If he was really as nice as he seemed. Then he turned around to smile at me and I knew even if Ken was hiding something, that something wasn't him not being as nice as he seemed. He was a good person and I hated good people.

People who were good always wanted to find the good in others but not in themselves. They always judged those they couldn't seem to understand and figure out. I myself had known a few good girls back at my school and one of them had stolen the only boy I ever loved so there was that. I guess the morale of the story is never to trust the good, to only subject yourself to the rotten future you deserve. That I deserved.

"Good morning." Ken turned and said cheerfully with way too much energy for me. I nodded and went to pour a cup of coffee that was next to him. He offered me cream and sugar but I shook my head. I hated sweet coffee with a passion, something my friends had always said something about. They had all wanted me to drink lattes and frappes with them but I never wanted to so all of them drank black coffee too. Not to be a good friend or anything but just because of the popularity I held over their heads as a way to keep them in line.

Ken went on cooking breakfast, which I now saw was eggs and sausage while I walked over to sit down at the small round table nearby to drink my coffee. We sat in silence for a few minutes the only sounds my sipping and his cooking before we heard the back door next to the kitchen open and there he was. The beautiful guy from last night that I thought I had dreamed of. But no, he was real and right there sweating in workout clothes with headphones blaring in his ears. Ken turned his smile over to him but he didn't smile back. Instead he stood there for a minute until he took his headphones out and Ken slid a plate of food in his hands. The guy didn't murmur so much as a thank you before coming over to sit next to me.

Ken put a plate in front of me and I mumbled thanks before he sat down himself to eat. "So this guy over here is Ace." He pointed to the guy named Ace who was shoving food in his mouth when he glanced up at me with his grey wolf eyes. And like last night I couldn't stop the blush from forming on my cheeks at the intensity in his gaze. "And this girl over here is Summer." Ken beamed at the both of us probably thinking we'd both start talking and fall in love. But all that happened was Ace said hey really quietly and turned back his food. After that we all ate in silence for the rest of breakfast.

I knew I'd have to leave eventually today but not without any money to get gas or food. But I had thought about it and decided that I was just going to see if I could find a pawn shop to sell some of my things like my phone which I never looked at anymore or maybe some extra stuff that I could find in my car. While I was thinking about what I was going to do, Ken spoke up again breaking the silence.

"So Summer what are you going to do next?" He asked me. But before I could speak up and let him know that whatever I did wasn't any of his business he started to talk again. "Wait, I know!" He exclaimed excitedly which made me want to punch him. "You see Ace here," right at that moment Ace looked up to glare at Ken but that didn't seem to faze him because he kept talking, "has a problem too. His car broke down and he really needs to go se-to go somewhere." He changed his sentence because mid-way Ace clenched his jaw and started to look really pissed. But I wasn't a fucking idiot because he was clearly going to say something else. Instead of pressing on it like I cared I sighed and rolled my eyes eating my breakfast without a glance toward either of them.

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