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"Ace..." I could hear myself call, as I sat up in the bed that was currently empty. I wasn't sure what time it was but I knew it was late. Later than the usual time he was out. Sometimes he did tend to stay out and I'd attempt to fall asleep without him, but there was a feeling in my gut that I didn't like. I hated being dependent on him. Hated that I couldn't seem to fall asleep without him wrapped around me, and that he caused it.

I tried to lay back down but after a few minutes of feeling even more restless, I decided to get a glass of water. Of course I wasn't sure where the kitchen was in this place and it was dark but I was sure if I tried hard enough I could find it. So I stumbled out of bed and opened the door, but not before peeping a little to see if anyone was in the hallway. After the coast was clear I walked down a dark hallway of stairs and tried to walk around feeling for anything that felt like a kitchen. I cursed myself for leaving my phone upstairs when the smart to thing to do would have been just to use the flashlight on that.

And then I bumped into something hard stubbing my toe in the process. "Shit, shit, shit." I cursed and then sat down for a minute to hold my toe. It was throbbing and I had to take deep breaths so I didn't scream out from the pain. Otherwise I'd wake everyone up and then they'd all be pissed at me. Again.

"Are you okay?" A soft voice called from the hallway. I knew that voice and I groaned in frustration.

"Yes, Oliver. I'm fine." I responded back and that's when her tone instantly changed.

"Oh it's you." Her voice changed from soft, to cold and harsh as if she couldn't stand the thought of me. Especially here where she was trying to escape from me and Ace. "Why are you here? Again?"

"Because it's none of your fucking business, Oliver." I sneered at her. "Why are you here?" I threw her question right back at her. But she didn't respond. "Exactly." I retorted.

"You don't have to be such a bitch, Summer." Oliver cried, and then she was sobbing. "I used to think you were so cool. And I thought New York would be so cool. Now I go to these lame fucking college parties, and I fuck these random guys, that instantly want to me leave." At that she started to sob hard and I knew she was going to wake some people up if she didn't stop. "I wanted Ace, but you had him and now all he wants is you." Oliver sniffled as her sobbing started to come to a close. "I almost had him, you know. Back when you left us in the diner I took him to the back and I kissed him. We kissed for a while and it got heated, before he decided to stop it and leave." I was bursting red-hot with fury at her and at Ace. And if there wasn't a hundred people sleeping all around us I would have punched her in the face. "I never wanted to go, and while my father is not the best dad I still love him. I went to be with Ace, but you're a bitch and you never let me have him. Not for one second."

"And you never will." I spat, venom and malice lacing my voice. "Get the fuck out." I snarled at her.

"Casey wants him too." Now she was smirking, and that irked me. "In fact, she's worked out a plan to get you away from him." I didn't respond to her. But she decided to keep talking. "She'll invite him back over to her place, and seduce him. But I was thinking we'd do it together." Now I was standing up and was about to beat her ass, when all the hairs on the back on my neck stood up. And I knew Ace was there.

"I don't want fucking Casey or you Olinda." I almost laughed when he called her Olinda, he spent weeks in a car with her and he still didn't know her name. That was hilarious. But I was still pissed at him for what she had just told me. "So why don't you find another guy to spread your legs for? I l already heard from some people I know, and they would love to take you for another spin." At this she couldn't take it anymore and next thing I know she was sobbing down the hallway.

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