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I was hiding, from Ace and what we did, from that person who kept sending me notes that were shoved in my locker everyday. I was a coward. I couldn't face my problems head on, like telling Ace what we did was a huge mistake and apologizing to all the people I hurt in the past. Like Duke who was the main person I hated myself for hurting. More than anything I hated seeing that devastating look in her eyes. And that was why as soon as we had an away game, I was the first to volunteer my cheerleaders.

Normally in our school varisty cheerleaders were only used for the big games, and the junior varisty would go to all the small away games so we didn't have to. Every year we appointed one of the sophmores as a coach for the JV squad and teach them the routines before they went. But this year I convinced our head coach that the first away game was a big one, and we would need everyone to cheer our football team. She agreed and that was that.

Of course, the sophmore coach was pissed and it was only my luck that it was Sarah this year. She already hated me enough. This just made it worse. And it wasn't like Talia was happy about it either, apparently she had things planned. So was just another person I pissed off. At least Laura was cheerful though, I could count on one friendly face.

I packed my bag quietly and decide to sneak out without telling Ace or my Father, I knew my father wouldn't care as long I didn't cause any trouble for him or Eleanor. It was Ace I was really trying to avoid. I knew that if he found out, I'd be locked in my room with him for the next few days and that could not ever, never happen. That's why I left without word.

Somehow I felt guilty, like I was doing something wrong. I knew I wasn't but it was still hard for me to shake the feeling. It could have been because the situation could have been handled better than me leaving, we had to talk about what happened and I was being an idiot avoiding him for being scared of what could or would happen again.

But I told myself it was nothing, that it didn't matter. We'd only be living together for another year at most and then go our seperate ways.

I sighed, driving away from the house and to the school in silence. I didn't turn on the radio or make a noise until I was knew it was safe to breathe again. It was stupid, but in my mind I thought that he'd know and follow me if I was too loud. He'd find me, and I'd want to stay just by looking at him. I wanted him so bad, even though I told myself over and over again it was wrong. I just figured the more I told myself it was wrong, the more I'd start to believe it myself.

I dropped off my car parking in the school parking lot, and grabbed my bag before heading toward the bus. All I could see was gleaming eyes glaring at me with so much disgust it made me feel physically sick. I told myself to ignore them, it was only for the weekend. But with the way Tommy stared at me I felt super uncomfortable and all I wanted was to leave. Sarah wrapped herself around him rolling her eyes at me, and she must have had enough because she pulled Tommy away toward the bus.

I was relieved because it meant he could stop staring at me. That was until I noticed Brent with Laura and that didn't annoy me, but what did was that he was kissing her while staring at me. I hadn't talked to him since the night of the party and I was actually okay with that. I didn't want to be friends with an asshole like that anyways. Actually I felt bad for Laura who seemed like she was really into the kiss. I decided I had enough and went to find a seat on the bus. I was going to sit in the back, but that was where Tommy was and I was sitting anywhere near him. So I picked a spot near the front.

Only that fucking screwed me because Brent was sliding in next to me, grinning like he was a bad boy who got what he wanted. "Go sit with Laura." I hissed, glancing around for her. I didn't see her anywhere. Where the fuck did she go?

"She had to go, family emergency and all that but she told me to tell you that she'll be back right before the game tomorrow." I bunched my fists, squeezing so tight I was sure I drew blood. Why the fuck did he have to try to do everything to get to me? I really couldn't believe I thought I was in love with this guy. What was I thinking? "But that's okay, I'll spend time with my best friend Summer."

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