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Ace was looking at me like I had just told him that I had killed his dog. I was still on his lap and we were so close but yet so far. And with the way he looked at me, it was almost as if he knew. He knew. That right before we crashed I had given up, that I was okay with dying. And I didn't like the expression he had, not pity but something else I couldn't figure out. And suddenly I felt suffocated, had to get out of this car. So I climbed off his lap and moved as fast as I could to get away from him.

He didn't follow me as I walked away from the car to the abandoned beach. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down, knowing that it was too much. This was too much was anyone to deal with. And I wouldn't have blamed him if he left in my car, right then and there. But to my surprise after a few minutes Ace walked up to me again.

"The car's broke down." He said. "I can fix it but it'll have to be tomorrow because it's going to get dark soon." I nodded not saying a word. "There's nothing here but a beach and a diner across the street, so I guess we can go there to eat."

"Let's go." I walked towards the edge of the street. "I'm fucking starving."

We were both quiet as we walked to the small diner across the street. It wasn't much and if there wasn't a big light up sign saying open, I'd probably think it was shut down. One of the windows was broken, there was like four cars parked in the parking lot, and the paint on the building was peeling off in big thick layers. 

Entering inside the diner we saw there was no host so we sat ourselves down at nearby booth. The first I noticed was the awful smell like something rotten throughout the whole place. Then I saw that the seats were ripped and torn, the table so sticky you had to avoid touch it or else you'd have to go to the bathroom to wash your hands. I had to get up a couple of times just because I'd accidentally touched it. For a minute we just saw there waiting and staring at each other before a waitress came over.

"Hey guys. What can I get for you to drink today?" Her name tag said Oliver, she was pretty with red hair and brown eyes. Looked to be in her mid-twenties.

"Coffee." We both said at the same time, and I shot a glare at Ace. Bitch I thought.

"Okay, it'll be out in a minute. Here's your menus, just let me know when you guys are ready to order." She gave us our menus and walked away to get our coffee. I continued to glare at Ace feeling angry, and so I confronted him.

"Don't copy me." I glared at Ace. "I don't need your fucking pity."

"And I'm not giving it." He said. "It's your fault we're here because you had to be an idiot, and do something fucking stupid like crash the car."

"Well I'm not one who was going to call Brent." I defended myself. "I told you to leave it alone."

"And I told you that I'm one who made you wet, not fucking Bronco or whatever his name is." Ace spoke harshly but I couldn't help but laugh. And then I was laughing so hard, that I was crying.

"B-Bronco?" I continued to laugh. "B-Bronco is not even a n-name!" And Ace was trying to talk but I was laughing so hard that I couldn't hear what he said. I couldn't remember the last time I had laughed this hard, maybe never. It was refreshing to know that I could, that I could see humor in some things.

I wasn't sure if I had ever actually laughed before, not as hard as this and currently not at something as stupid as this. But I realized that it was freeing to feel myself let go of all my worries. Even if it was only for a minute and I'd go back to hating life. My laughter started to die down however as our waitress started to walk towards us with an annoyed expression that was on her face.

"Excuse me, ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to quiet down." Oliver the waitress said as she dropped off our coffee.

I was about to speak when Ace spoke over me. "Why? Is it bothering the two customers you have in here? Or it is just because you're a fucking bitch who can't seem to take the stick out of her ass, and let your costumers actually enjoy themselves?"

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