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Once Ace quickly fixed the car that next morning, we were on our way. Oliver glared at me the whole time he was busy fixing the car. I sensed she was a little pissed when she rolled over to see me and Ace sleeping together. She wanted him, but he didn't want her. But I wasn't even sure if he wanted me or if I even wanted him. And yet something had changed between us. We were still kind of fighting, but it was more playful. And every time he looked at me I found myself blushing. It was weird but I liked it.

After we left the days started to pass, I wasn't sure how long. We drove and drove, mostly it was Ace because he insisted that he was the only one who knew where we were going. And that was true because he still refused to tell me or Oliver where we were heading. But I didn't really give a fuck as long as we were going somewhere.

And at night we'd stop to sleep, sometimes outside somewhere random or other times we'd get a hotel. But every night like clockwork there was Ace sleeping next me. Sometimes I'd try to roll away in the middle of night, but he only gripped tighter. "Fucking stop." He'd murmur and then we'd go right back to sleep. It was started to become a habit that I couldn't sleep without him next to me, not a habit I hated either.

And Oliver was made to pull in her weight by paying for food, or gas. She didn't have much money but Ace always made sure she was paying for something. Most times I'd leave for a minute to go inside somewhere, and then come back to her crying. And Ace didn't seem to give a shit either. I didn't like her but most times I felt bad for her.

And then I realized she seemed to like it. Oliver wanted the bickering relationship me and Ace seemed to have, but I didn't the heart to tell her that it was only because we enjoyed pissing each other off. It was like a turn on and satisfaction all in one.

Right now we were in the car and Ace was driving, Oliver was sitting the backseat. I was currently looking out the window thinking about the way he had held me last night. It had been different, somehow closer and more personal than all the other times. Don't get me wrong I don't love him. After all we'd only known each other for a few days, but maybe I kind of liked him. And that was last thing I wanted.

"So any music?" Oliver suggested. And without meaning to I snorted. Ace shot me a glare before turning back to the road, a small smile on his face which made my heart race."Hello?" Oliver said after me and Ace didn't say anything.

"It's broken." I finally said. "Someone broke it."

"Well someone was being fucking annoying." Ace retorted back and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I leaned back in my seat, prepared to take a little nap.

"Bluetooth?" Oliver suggested and again I ignored her. "I can connect to bluetooth."

"No." Ace said and she sighed but didn't bring it up again.

It was quiet after that, just how me and Ace liked it. Oliver didn't as she put in her headphones and listened to her own music, laying down across the backseat. I closed my eyes to try and sleep but everytime I found myself about to drift off there was someone flicking me on top of my head. And I would open my eyes to glare at Ace who acted like nothing had happened. The last time I was so annoyed with him, I took off my shoe and threw it at his head. He didn't see it coming and the car swerved.

"Crazy bitch." He shouted. I rolled my eyes and went to lay back down, but not before my shoe hit my head. "Fucking stupid, trying to cause us to crash again." Oliver who had sat up and pulled out her headphones was looking between us like we were criminally insane. Maybe we were but I didn't give a shit. I was tired of being sane, it was boring and being crazy was so much more fun.

And then for the next few hours, we all focused on the road. Every once in a while I'd see Oliver watching Ace like he was a snack and I would plan out a way to see if I could push her out of the car. She would see me glaring at her, and then she'd look away. Oliver was obvious about how much she wanted him. For days she had tried everything to get him to notice her. And he wouldn't. Instead Ace acted like she wasn't even there, almost as if she was invisible. Until he thought she was being fucking stupid. Which for him was a lot more than Oliver liked. I rolled and my eyes turned over in my seat, falling asleep.

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