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Everything felt heavy, really heavy and dry as if I had gone weeks, months, weeks without water. And I wanted to open my eyes but they felt so droopy and all I wanted to do was to sleep. To rest my body, to forget about everything and everyone who wanted me gone. It seemed easier that way. And maybe it was, maybe it would be easier for everyone if I just let myself sleep and sleep forever. If I never woke up again. But that was until I thought of her, those eyes that had once shone with so much sunshine, so much innocence and now she seemed so, so sad. I knew it was because of me. I knew it was because of what I did, how I I treated her. And how I had hurt everyone. It was for that reason I decided I was better off, that I needed to stay here and sleep until I was nothing but dry, brittled bone that would eventually wither away.

Until suddenly the curtains were being slid open, light coming in and making it harder for me to squeeze my eyes shut. I didn't want to think anymore, it was all like being pulled under as I fought and fought for that one last breath. And maybe I didn't want to fight anymore.

"Summer, fucking sit up." Someone familiar hissed and I knew that voice very, very well. It was Ace. The boy I secretly loved, the one I could never have. But that didn't stop me from opening my eyes to look at him. As aways he took my breath away. He took everything I had, and twisted it until I felt like a jumbled mess. I couldn't have him. I wasn't even supposed to be thinking of him in that way. It wasn't like I could turn it off at any second, my feelings for him were so strong and yet so at the same time so wrong. "I said sit up." His eyes narrowed which meant business in his eyes, so I sat up quickly and that in turn made me so dizzy I had to lay back down.

I was in his room, boxes were everywhere and the covers were as dark as the night sky. But other than that it was all blank. Nothing on the walls, no belongings scattered across the room. Just everyone empty and simple. I knew it could have been because he was unpacking, but it didn't feel that way. Somehow it felt like he was never planning to stay. I wanted to ask him about it, but I wasn't really in the headspace to reflect on it much further.

"Sorry." My throat was so hoarse, I winced as I whispered that one small phrase. I didn't know what happened to me. I swear I wasn't even that drunk. I tried but everyone started crowding in on me, and so I barely had time before I wanted to leave.

"Don't apologize, drink this." He shoved a water bottle in my hand, and I sat up more slowly this time. I put the bottle to my lips and prepared to sip slowly. That was until I realized how thirsty I was, and before I knew what I was doing I was gulping down the water faster than I knew I could. "Stop." I wasn't sure I could, but somehow I managed to. "Take these." He shoved advil in my hands. I didn't think twice before swallowing them, along with the rest of the water. It was then I noticed my lack of clothes, just that I was wearing a simple shirt. I wanted to ask why but I didn't.

After I was finished, I blinked at Ace who was staring at me. His beautiful stormy eyes made me feel like I was weightless and then pushed back with a force I didn't know I had. "What happened?" My voice was less hoarse, but still just as soft. "Ace, what happened?" I asked again when he just continued to stare at me.

He shook his head. "I don't know, what I do know is you were fucking drugged. Summer, you need to go to the hospital." Most people would panic, think of what could have happened to them and agree. But the only thing running through my mind was my father. His anger, the wrath of whatever I did would be shoved in his face, and I would have to face him. I could never, never do that.

I always did what he wanted, always was the best daughter and with the wedding going on this could push him to the edge. My cheek stung with memory of the last time I had done something to piss him off so much and with that I shook with head. "No, no, no." I tried to stand up, but it was too fast and my head spun again. But I was determined so I stood again, my legs shaky and unfocused. "Fucking no."

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