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The house was supposed to be dark, empty. But it wasn't. People surrounded me everywhere, every corner, every room I tried to hide in. Brent had invited himself over, and then a few more friends. And those friends had invited a few more friends. Now they were in my house, and it was the last thing I wanted.

"Brent!" I tried to yell at him over the music, but he shook his head with a smile and turned away to walk into another room. Leaving me standing alone in a room with people I didn't know. I would have followed him, but I couldn't seem to move.

My feet seemed to glued to the floor, and I felt like screaming. Scream for everyone to leave my fucking house. All I had wanted to do was be with Brent, not a house full of people I didn't want here.

"Summer!" One of my friends called, stumbling and giggling as she came over to me. Her name was Ashley and I fucking hated her with a passion. We were on the cheerleading squad together. The one I had just recently joined. She was beautiful, typical blonde hair and blue eyes with soft tan skin. I knew it bothered her that people said I was more beautiful so I wasn't sure why she was smiling at me like we best friends. But she had to better than staying with these people. "Summer, let's get fucking drunk!" Okay maybe I was wrong.

"No." I felt really uncomfortable. "I'm fine." Her eyes narrowed, and suddenly the air around me felt ice cold despite all the people around us.

I knew refusing her was a bad idea, she was head cheerleader and the top bitch at our school. When Ashley wanted some she usually got it. And right now she wanted the noobie cheerleader to get drunk with her, and I knew it was better to do what Ashley wanted. Not doing what she wanted when she wanted would result in consequences.

"Okay, let's go." She stopped glaring at me, a slow smile spread on her face before she grabbed my arm and dragged me to my kitchen. I followed after her with no resistance but inside I was screaming at her touch. I couldn't stand to have her touching me, or anyone for that matter.

"Fuck, I love what you've done with your hair." Ashley reached over, running her hand over a strand of my hair. I didn't want her this close. The scent of her perfume was overwhelming and it made my stomach revolt."I mean, really you can't even really see the split ends." And then suddenly she twisted it around finger yanking it as hard as she could. I hissed in pain but before I could even comment on it, she was alreadly fixated on something else.

"Here, take this." She shoved a cup in my hand, and looked at me expectedly until I downed it. I quickly chugged it while Ashley and a group of other girls from the squad watched. They all cheered as I coughed from the burning in my throat. It didn't make me happy at all. Instead I felt like a baby, as if they were all making fun of me.

"Aww, she's so cute." One of them said, but it sounded more like they were mocking. And that pissed me off. I quickly grabbed another cup and downed the drink, this time there was less burning and I slammed the plastic cup on the counter. They all looked at me with their mouths gaping. So I downed another and another without a thought. Everyone kept cheering me on and I just kept going, holding back the anger I felt inside.

Until I felt just as stumbly as Ashley, who was grinning at me and all I could think was how much I hated her. How much I hated all of them. For making me drink myself to this point, to crashing my house and acting like they all owned it. Ashley dragged me to the living room where everyone was dancing and suddenly we were dancing together. Me, her, the squad as if we owned everyone around us.

And then suddenly I was on my own, in the middle of all of them. My eyes were closed and twisted tightly together. My hands clenched from everything inside of me, and I swayed my hips furiously to the music that was all around me. "Fuck it." I whispered to myself, pulling my top over my head. I knew they were all watching me, as I twisted and ran my hands over my body without a care in the world.

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